[ CCH Note: The Heritage conservation rebate will be converted into a grants program from 1 July 1999 - see Div 30 of ITAA '97. The new program, announced in the 1999/2000 Federal Budget and named the Cultural Heritage Projects Program, will have a total funding cap of $3.6m for 1999/2000.
The Cultural Heritage Projects Program is a program funded for six years from 1 July 1999. The program is administered by Environment Australia and is open to private owners, legally incorporated not-for-profit organisations and local government authorities.
The program supports the conservation of places of cultural significance - historic and Indigenous heritage. Only historic or Indigenous places on the Register of the National Estate, its Interim list or State heritage registers are eligible for funding. Projects that aim to identify Indigenous Heritage places for appropriate listing or conservation planning may also be supported.]
The provisional certificate must:
(a) state the taxpayer's name; and
(b) describe the heritage conservation works that the taxpayer proposes to carry out in relation to the building or structure; and
(c) specify the standard to which the works must be completed in order to qualify for the issue of a final certificate; and
(d) specify, in accordance with the provisional certificate criteria, the qualifying expenditure limit in respect of the works.
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