For the purposes of this Act, income tax in respect of a relevant entity's taxable income of a year of income to which this Division applies becomes due and payable:
(a) if the entity is required to make a payment under section 221AZD in respect of that year of income:
(i) if the entity furnishes the return on or before the day by which the entity is required to make the payment - on that day; or
(ii) if the entity furnishes the return after the day by which the entity is required to make the payment - on the day on which the return is furnished; or
(b) if the entity is not required to make a payment under section 221AZD in respect of that year of income otherwise than because no amount of income tax is payable - on the day that would have been applicable under paragraph (a) if the entity had been required to make such a payment under section 221AZD .
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