Charges against the same person for any number of offences against this Division may be joined in one complaint if those charges are founded on the same facts or form, or are part of, a series of offences of the same or a similar character.
221ZL(2) [Particulars of each offence]Where more than one charge is included in the same complaint in pursuance of subsection (1), particulars of each offence charged shall be set out in a separate paragraph.
221ZL(3) [Charges tried together]All charges so joined shall be tried together unless the court considers it just that any charge should be tried separately and makes an order to that effect.
221ZL(4) [One penalty]If a person is found guilty of more than one offence, the court may, if it thinks fit, impose one penalty in respect of all offences of which the person has been found guilty, but that penalty shall not exceed the sum of the maximum penalties that could be imposed if penalties were imposed for each offence separately.
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