SPIRITS REGULATIONS (Superseded (Enabling Act was repealed by 74 of 2006))


REGULATION 17 (Superseded (Enabling Act was repealed by 74 of 2006))   STANDARDS FOR METHYLATED SPIRITS  

The standard for the class of methylated spirits called industrial spirits is that the spirit before methylation is to contain not less than 94 per centum by volume of alcohol and is to be methylated by the addition of -

(a) 0.25 per centum of wood naphtha or methyl alcohol, 0.5 per centum of pyridine and 0.5 per centum of any one of the following substances, namely, petrol, gasoline, petroleum benzine, petroleum naphtha, coal tar naphtha or shale naphtha;

(b) 0.25 per centum of wood naphtha or methyl alcohol, 0.125 per centum of pyridine and 1 per centum of any one of the following substances, namely, petrol, gasoline, petroleum benzine, petroleum naphtha, coal tar naphtha or shale naphtha; or

(c) 6.6 parts per million by weight of bitrex, 0.25 per centum by weight of methyl-isobutyl-ketone and 1 part per million by weight of fluorescein.

The standard for the class of methylated spirits called mineralized spirits is that the spirit before methylation is to contain not less than 94 per centum by volume of alcohol and is to be methylated by the addition of -

(a) 0.25 per centum of wood naphtha or methyl alcohol, 0.05 per centum of pyridine and not less than 2 per centum of any one of the following substances, namely, petrol, gasoline, petroleum benzine, petroleum naphtha, coal tar naphtha, shale naphtha, benzol or a like substance; or

(b) 6.6 parts per million by weight of bitrex, 0.25 per centum by weight of methyl-isobutyl-ketone and 1 part per million by weight of fluorescein.

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