SPIRITS REGULATIONS (Superseded (Enabling Act was repealed by 74 of 2006))


Division 4 - Miscellaneous  

REGULATION 51 (Superseded (Enabling Act was repealed by 74 of 2006))   AUTHORITY AND PLACE TO METHYLATE SPIRITS  

Spirits may be methylated with the permission of the Collector.

A person must apply for permission in accordance with Form 6 .

A person may methylate spirits only in:

(a) a customs warehouse; or

(b) the spirit store of a spirit maker's distillery; or

(c) the premises specified in the methylator 's licence; or

(d) a place approved by the Collector.

Penalty: 1 penalty unit.

An offence under subregulation (3) is an offence of strict liability.


For strict liability , see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code .

If the Collector is satisfied that it is necessary for the protection of revenue, the Collector may, in writing, order a methylator not to methylate spirits except under the supervision of an officer.

In deciding whether supervision of methylation is necessary for the protection of revenue, the Collector may take into account the following:

(a) whether the methylator keeps records that show details of:

(i) the receipt and disposal of materials capable of being used in methylation; and

(ii) materials used in methylation; and

(iii) methylated spirits produced, stored or disposed of;

(b) the methods adopted, and the precautions taken, by the methylator in, and after, carrying out methylation.

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