In this regulation:

means a fee prescribed by regulation 19 (except a fee mentioned in subregulation (6) or (6A) ) or 19AA (except a fee mentioned in paragraph (6A)(a) or (6B)(a) ).

CPI number
means the All Groups Consumer Price Index number (being the weighted average of the 8 Australian capital cities) published by the Australian Statistician.

relevant period
means any of the following periods:

(a) the 2 year period commencing on 1 July 1996;

(b) after that period - each 2 year period commencing on a biennial anniversary of 1 July 1996.

If, in a relevant period, the latest CPI number is greater than the earlier CPI number, a fee is taken to increase, on 1 July immediately following the end of the period, in accordance with the formula:

  fee   ×   latest   CPI   number  
  earlier   CPI   number


earlier CPI number is the CPI number for the last March quarter before the beginning of the relevant period; and

fee is the fee in force at the end of the relevant period; and

latest CPI number is the CPI number for the last March quarter before the end of the relevant period.

If, apart from this subregulation, the amount of a fee increased under subregulation (2) would be an amount of dollars and cents, the amount is to be rounded to the nearest whole dollar and, if the amount to be rounded is 50 cents, rounded down.

Subject to subregulation (5), if at any time, whether before or after the commencement of this regulation, the Australian Statistician publishes for a particular March quarter a CPI number in substitution for an index number previously published by the Australian Statistician for that quarter, the publication of the later index number is to be disregarded for the purposes of this regulation.

If, at any time, whether before or after the commencement of this regulation, the Australian Statistician changes the reference base for the Consumer Price Index, then, for the purposes of the application of this regulation after the change is made, regard shall be had only to numbers published in terms of the new reference base.

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