The trustees of a defined benefit superannuation fund must give a notice in respect of a year of income of the fund beginning on or after 1 July 1992, on request, to an employer who contributes to the fund:
(a) in respect of employees of that employer; and
(b) in amounts that do not exceed the minimum amounts required by the Guarantee Act so that superannuation guarantee charge is not payable by the employer. 18S(2) [ Contents of notice ]
(a) include the names of those employees and, if applicable, the names of those employees in each specified class of employees of the fund within the meaning of section 10 of the Guarantee Act; and
(b) state the period, or periods, in that year in which those employees were members of the fund; and
(c) state the annual salary (if any), for the purposes of the governing rules of the fund, of each of those employees as at the date on which the notice was prepared; and
(d) state any notional employer contribution rate, within the meaning of section 10 of that Act, in relation to each of those employees; and
(e) if any alteration of the governing rules of the fund causes a benefit certificate within the meaning of that section to lapse - include notice of the alteration.
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