EBL 1997/2

Australian Government

This Legislative Instrument has been repealed by Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013.

Excise Act 1901

I, Richard John Hunt, delegate of the Chief Executive Officer of Customs, pursuant to section 165 of the Excise Act 1901, make the following amendments to Excise by-law No. 114:

Paragraph 1 is amended by deleting "and Wanea" and substituting:
", Wanea and Lambert/Hermes"
Paragraph 2 is amended by inserting after "1995":
"in respect of Cossack and Wanea, and on and from 20 October 1997 in respect of Lambert/Hermes."

Dated this Thirtieth day of October 1997.

Signed by R J Hunt
Delegate of the Chief Executive Officer of Customs

Registration Number: F2006B11678

Registration Date: 1 December 2006