EBL 2019/2
This legislative instrument was repeealed by F2022L00583Excise (Prescribed Condensate Production Area) By-Law 2022This legislative instrument replaces and repeals BY-LAW NO. 156
Excise Act 1901
I, Timothy Dyce, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, make this determination under section 165 of the Excise Act 1901.1. Name of instrument
This instrument is Excise By-Law - Prescribed Condensate Production Area.
2. Commencement
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation..
3. Revoking Previous instrument
This instrument repeals and replaces Excise By-Law 156 (F2008L04516), registered on 27 November 2008.
4. Application
This By-law applies to condensate produced from production areas on or after the date of commencement. Condensate has the meaning given by subsection 4(1) of the Excise Act 1901.
5. By-law
For the purposes of the definition of 'prescribed condensate production area' in subsection 6CA(1) of the Excise Tariff Act 1921, the condensate production areas specified in paragraphs A, B, C and D below are prescribed.
A. Western Australia
Carnarvon Basin
Each of the production areas known as Angel, Barrow Island, Campbell, Chervil, Cossack, Cowle, Crest, Harriet/Lenita, Lambert/Hermes, Legendre/Legendre South, North Herald, Roller/Skate, Rankin Trend, Rosette, Rough Range, Saladin/Yammaderry, Sinbad, South Pepper, Tanami and Wanaea.
Canning Basin
Each of the production areas known as Blina, Sundown and West Terrace.
Perth Basin
Each of the production areas known as Dongara, Yardarino, Mondara and Mount Horner.
B. Queensland
Bowen/Surat Basin
Each of the production areas known as Alton, Anabranch, Beaufort, Bennett, Boggo Creek, Bony Creek, Boxleigh, Cabawin, Caneon, Conloi, Duarran, Eluanbrook, Euthulla, Fairymount, Grafton Range, Hope Creek, Kincora, Lamen, Louise, Lyndon caves, Maffra, Mascotte, Mayfield, McWhirter, Merivale, Mooga, Moonie, Myrtleville, Narrows, Oberina, Pickanjinnie, Pine Ridge, Pleasant Hills, Pringle Downs, Raslie, Richmond, Riverslea, Rolleston, Roma, Samari Plains, Silver Springs, Snake Creek, Snake Creek East, Sunnybank, Tarrawonga, Thomby Creek, Trinidad, Waratah, Warroon, Washpool, Yellowbank, Yellowbank Creek, Timbury hills, Wallumbilla South, Warooby, Westlands, Wingnut and Yanalah.
Cooper/Eromanga Basin
Each of the production areas known as Challum, Cook, Graham, Kercamurra, Kihee, Maxwell, Tennaperra, Thungo, Toby, Yanda, Black Stump, Bodalla South, Bogala, Chookoo, Cooroo, Glenvale, Ipundu, Jackson, Jackson South, Kenmore, Koora, Kooroopa, Mooliampah, Naccowlah South, Naccowlah West, Nockatunga, Sigma, Takyah, Talgeberry, Tickalara, Tinpilla, Tintaburra, Watson, Watson South and Wilson.
C. South Australia
Cooper/Eromanga Basin
Each of the production areas known as Alwyn, Big Lake, Bookabourdie, Brolga, Brumby, Burke, Cuttapirrie, Daralingie, Della, Dirkala, Dullingari, Dullingari North, Fly Lake, Gidgealpa, Jena, Kerinna, Kidman, Limestone Creek/Biala, Marabooka, Meranji, Merimelia, Moomba, Moorari, Mudrangie, Mundarie, Muteroo, Narcoonowie, Namur, Nungeroo, Spencer North, Spencer South, Spencer West, Strzelecki, Tirrawarra, Toolachee, Yapeni, Ulandi, Wancoocha and Woolkina.
D. Northern Territory
Amadeus Basin
Each of the production areas known as East Mereenie, Mereenie and Palm Valley.
Dated: 1 March 2019
Signed by Timothy Dyce
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation
Registration Number: F2019L00411
Registration Date: 26 March 2019
Related Explanatory Statements:
EBL 2019/2 - Explanatory Statement