Taxation Ruling

IT 2482A - Addendum

Income tax : credit card receipts: documentary evidence required to substantiate certain expenses

  • Please note that the PDF version is the authorised version of this ruling.

FOI status:

May be released



Income Tax Ruling IT 2482 is amended by the following:

Insert new paragraph (into the preamble) after paragraph 4 as follows:
"5. Under section 82KZAA taxpayers may, in special circumstances, obtain relief from the substantiation requirements where the Commissioner on reviewing the claim is satisfied that :

the expense was incurred by the taxpayer in the year of income, and
it would be unreasonable for the substantiation provisions to apply."

Insert new paragraph at the end of the ruling:
"14. Relief from the above substantiation requirements may be given in special circumstances. This could be where, on review of the claim, the Commissioner is satisfied that the relief available under section 82KZAA should apply. The Commissioner's guidelines on the application of section 82KZAA are contained in Taxation Ruling IT 2645."

Commissioner of Taxation
15 December 1994


BO CNN J36/354/1

ISSN 0813-3662

Related Rulings/Determinations:

IT 2482