Taxation Ruling

IT 294

Superannuation: deductions for contributions to exempt section 23F funds

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May be releasedFOI number: I 1104418


Following the announcement made by the Commissioner of Taxation on 20 May 1982 it is necessary to set out in detail the guidelines which will operate in the income year 1982-83, and subject to any necessary adjustments in subsequent years, for the purpose of determining the income tax deductions allowable for contributions by employers to superannuation funds established and maintained to provide superannuation benefits for employees and/or their dependants.

2. It will be appreciated that the guidelines contained in this statement are in the nature of general rules appropriate to the general run of cases and are in no way intended to supplant the express provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act. Cases may arise in which, because of particular circumstances, it would not be appropriate to apply the guidelines. Such cases will have to be determined in the light of their own particular circumstances.


3. The broad rules already announced by the Commissioner for the purpose of calculating deductible contributions are as follows:-

the employee's salary shall be the salary that is acceptable for taxation purposes, having regard to those provisions of the taxation law that may require adjustment of salary where the employer and employee are closely associated;
where moneys are in effect lent back by a fund to the employer, either directly or by the use of some device, the amount involved shall carry a commercial rate of interest acceptable to, and specified by, the taxation administration;
actuarial calculations will be required to take interest on direct or indirect "loan backs" into account at the specified commercial rate as distinct from the long term earning rate;
salaries may be projected at 8 per cent compound; and
the maximum pension which may be provided for is limited to 75 per cent of final average salary without indexation.

4. These guidelines will apply only to superannuation funds that are exempt from income tax under section 23F of the Income Tax Assessment Act. They will apply to all funds that are so exempt, i.e. whether pension or lump sum, whether large or small and whether allocated or unallocated.

5. The guidelines will apply to superannuation funds that provide retirement benefits for both arm's length employees and/or associated employees subject, of course, to the express provisions of the income tax law relating to associated persons.

6. It is important to bear in mind that the new guidelines will not apply to funds which are taxable by virtue of the operation of either section 121D or 121DA. The annual deduction for contributions to funds so taxable will be limited to the greater of $400 and 5% of an employee's annual remuneration.

7. As a matter of practical application the guidelines will operate as follows:-


8. Where arm's length employees are involved it is not expected that there will be any problem in relation to salary. However, the income tax law requires that the salary paid to associated persons must be reasonable having regard to the services rendered. The law requires a determination in each year of the reasonableness of the remuneration.

9. Clearly it would not be practicable before the end of every year of income to make decisions in all cases whether salaries paid to associated employees in the year were reasonable having regard to the provisions of the income tax law. Such decisions are made at the time of raising an assessment for each year.

10. For practical purposes, however, where a salary paid to an associated employee in the year ended 30 June 1982 has been accepted without adjustment and there has not been any significant change in the circumstances of the employment in the 1983 year, contributions to the superannuation fund in the year ended 30 June 1983 may be made on the basis of the salary to be paid in the 1983 year. Should any adjustment to the salary be subsequently found necessary at the time of assessment th e question whether there should be an adjustment to the income tax deduction for the superannuation contribution will then be considered. In the general run of cases it may be acceptable if the contribution in the succeeding year is adjusted to take account of the excess contribution in the particular year of income.

11. Situations will arise where it will become necessary to decide whether the services rendered by an employee are of so trifling a nature as not to warrant a deduction for any superannuation contributions at all. Generally speaking, an associated employee whose weekly hours of employment are 30 or more would be regarded as a full-time employee. However, as already noted, the question of reasonable salary may have to be considered in these cases and, of course, in cases in which the hours worked are less than 30. Where an employee, either at arm's length or associated, is employed for less than 10 hours a week it will be a question in each case, depending upon the nature and value of the services rendered, whether any deduction for superannuation contributions is warranted.

Projection of Salaries

12. As from 1 July 1982 the general rule for full-time employees is that salaries may be projected at a maximum rate of 8 per cent per annum compound to normal retiring age for the purpose of calculating contributions to superannuation funds which may qualify as allowable deductions. Normal retiring age for this purpose is 65 years in the case of male employees and 60 years in the case of female employees.

13. The projection of current salaries at the specified rate is not, however, intended to apply to employees of all types or ages.

14. There will, for example, be instances where it may not be reasonable to project current remuneration at 8 per cent per annum compound, such as cases involving directors of companies (unless full-time employees) on fixed remuneration payable under service contracts. Furthermore it is a fact that in many private companies the salaries of associated persons do not increase at the same regular rate as those of arm's length employees. Where it appears likely that the salary on retireme nt will be less than the amount calculated by projecting current salary at 8 per cent compound, an appropriate lower rate of projection should be used.

15. On the other hand situations may arise where the salary on retirement may exceed the amount obtained by projecting current remuneration at 8 per cent per annum compound, e.g. it may be known (not just speculated or hypothesized) that a senior employee will receive a particular salary on retirement as a result of promotion. In cases of this nature, the known salary on retirement may be adopted for superannuation purposes.

Retirement Benefits

16. The maximum benefits which may be currently paid at normal retiring age in terms of section 23F(2)(h) are as follows:-

Lump Sum Fund
Final Average Salary Basis of calculation Maximum benefit at top of range
Up to - 27500 7 times final average salary 192500
27501 - 31000 $192500 plus 6 times excess of final average salary over $27500 192500

6 * $3500

21000 213500
31001 - 38500 $213500 plus 5 times excess of final average salary over $31000 213500

5 * $7500

37500 251000
38501 - 46500 $251000 plus 4 times excess of final average salary over $38500 251000

4 * $8000

32000 283000
46501 - 53000 $283000 plus 3 times excess of final average salary over $46500 283000

3 * $6500

19500 302500
53001 - 60500 $302500 plus twice excess of final average salary over $53000 302500

2 * $7500

15000 317500
60501 - 76000 $317500 plus excess of final average salary over $60500 317500
15500 333000
76001 - 90500 $333000 plus half of excess of final average salary over $76000 333000


7250 340250
90500 and over $340250 plus one third of excess of final average salary over $90500

Pension Fund

A pension of 75 per cent of the final average salary.

17. Final average salary is the average salary of the last three years of service. In the case of associated employees, the maximum benefit payable on retirement will be available only where the associated employee has completed 20 years service with the employer. Where the period of service is less than 20 years, the benefit payable must be reduced pro rata.

The Calculation of the Deductible Contribution

18. Where salaries are projected at 8 per cent per annum compound a calculation taking into account the earning rate of the fund will be necessary to determine the contribution needed in a year to provide the benefit promised by the fund.

19. For the purposes of calculating the deduction allowable for contributions to a lump sum fund it may be accepted that the level of benefit in respect of a member's salary in a year under the lump sum guidelines issued by the Taxation Office from time to time will be available on retirement. It may be assumed, therefore, that a member on a salary of $27,500 or less per annum in the 1982-83 income year will receive a benefit of seven times his final average salary on retirement. Wher e a member's salary exceeds $27,500 in the 1982-83 income year it may be assumed that the lump sum scale of benefits will apply in the same manner, e.g. it may be assumed that a member on a present salary of $60,500 will receive a benefit of 5.25 times his final average salary on retirement, i.e.

((317,500 (approx.)) / (60,500))

The permissible benefit ultimately payable will, of course, depend on the scale of benefits prescribed as administratively acceptable at the time of retirement.

20. In the case of pension funds no objection would be taken to the inclusion of guaranteed periods of payment, e.g. 10 years certain, or of reversionary pensions for a surviving spouse and children provided that contributions to the fund are based on a period of payment no greater than a member's life expectancy at normal retiring age.

21. Where all the assets of a fund are invested in appropriate arm's length securities a calculation that projects salaries at 8 per cent per annum compound and uses a long term earning rate of the fund of at least 9 per cent per annum net of charges will usually be accepted, subject to paragraph 30, as providing a contribution which may be allowed as an income tax deduction.

22. Where the contributions necessary to provide a retirement benefit in this class of fund are calculated actuarially, and there is no significant departure in the actuarial calculation from the 8 per cent/9 per cent rule set out in the preceding paragraph, it may be expected that the amounts actuarially certified as being required to provide the benefit will normally be allowed as deductions. If in any particular case, however, there is a significant departure from the basic rule, th at case will have to be examined on its merits. This should not be construed as imposing restrictions on professional advice or judgments. It is not associated with judgments of how benefits might best be funded but with the amounts which may, in a particular context, reasonably be allowed as income tax deductions.

23. In the larger employer/arm's length employee promised benefit type fund the amount of the employer's contribution is usually determined by actuarial calculation. Where the benefits provided under a scheme of this nature are reasonable according to the permissible benefits published by this office and the actuarial calculations are reviewed at intervals of not more than five years it has been the practice to allow as income tax deductions the amounts actuarially certified as necessa ry to provide the benefits without the necessity for submitting annual details of contributions for each employee. In the generality of cases it may be expected that this practice will continue.

24. In some cases where all the assets of a fund are invested in appropriate arm's length securities the actual earning rate of the fund may be in excess of 9 per cent per annum and trustees may prefer to use the actual earning rate of the fund. The amount calculated in each year using this method will also usually be accepted, subject to paragraph 30, as an allowable deduction.

25. Cases have come to notice where 30 per cent of the assets of a fund are invested in securities appropriate to comply with the "30/20 ratio" and the balance of the fund is invested in a low interest bearing savings account or in some other low interest bearing manner, e.g. ordinary life assurance policies. In such cases there must be doubt whether the fund is being maintained solely for the purposes of providing superannuation benefits for employees and/or their dependants or whether it has an additional object of maximising income tax deductions. Assuming that the fund does satisfy the requirements of section 23F, the investment policies of the fund may require the conclusion that the discretion in section 82AAE should not be exercised and that the maximum deduction allowable would be the greater of $400 and 5 per cent of each employee's remuneration in a year.

26. In some cases, particularly in lump sum funds, excess benefit funds have been established alongside existing exempt section 23F funds to house assets transferred from the latter funds so as to retain exemption for the section 23F funds. In these cases contributions on the basis of the guidelines will not be permitted until such time as the assets in the excess benefits fund have been transferred back to the exempt section 23F funds without endangering the exemption of those funds.

27. In other cases the application of the guidelines may result in some funds finding themselves underfunded. As a general rule any deficit should be funded over the remaining years of a member's employment, although consideration will be given to the approval of earlier funding should the circumstances of a particular case warrant it.

28. In funding for a pension benefit no amount is to be taken into account for post-retirement increases in pensions to keep them in line with movements in average weekly earnings. On the other hand it has been the practice in a number of larger employer/arm's length employee pension funds for some contribution to be made for post-retirement increases in the cost of living and for income tax deductions to be allowed for such contributions. This practice will continue for pension funds other than those where the amount lent back to the employer exceeds 10% of the fund assets at any time during a year of income and provided that the contribution is based on a cost of living adjustment not exceeding 5% of pension per annum.

29. An actuarial calculation of contributions necessary to provide a pension benefit which proceeds on the basis of a zero or unduly low, i.e. less than 4%, rate of earning on a member's entitlement after retirement will not as a general rule be acceptable.

30. Nor will it be permissible to calculate the annual contribution by spreading the amount required to provide the end benefit equally in dollar terms over the remaining years of service. Calculations using the guidelines will be expected to express the annual contribution necessary as a percentage of salary which will result in increased or decreased contributions as the salary rises or falls in any year. A ready reckoner is available from branch offices which will assist in the cal culation of the contribution to lump sum funds which will be allowable as deductions.

Loan Back Funds

31. A loan back fund is one where moneys are lent back to the employer or any related or associated persons either directly or by the use of some device.

32. Where moneys are lent back to the employer, the loan must carry as a minimum a commercial rate of interest specified by the Taxation Office and any calculation of superannuation contributions must take the earnings on the loan back into account at the specified rate or the higher rate actually paid. For example, where 30 per cent of the assets of a fund are invested in appropriate securities to meet the "30/20 ratio" and the balance of the moneys are lent back to the employer at the specified rate, the earning rate of the fund for the purposes of calculating the income tax deduction allowable will be the weighted average of the specified rate of interest on the loan backs and the long term or actual earning rate of the other securities. The "net of charges" rate of the interest on loan backs for the year ending 30 June 1983 is 17.5 per cent. By way of illustration, therefore, the application of the guidelines to the year ending 30 June 1983 would mean that the earning rate to be ado pted for 1983 for a fund observing 30/20 and lending the balance back would be 15 per cent compound. Where the rate of interest on the loan back exceeds the specified rate, the higher rate should be substituted for that rate.

33. For practical purposes the following earning rates may be applied where the specified rate of interest is used:-

Percentage in Loan Back Deemed Earning Rate
60 - 70% 15%
50 but less than 60 14
40 " " " 50 13
30 " " " 40 12
20 " " " 30 11
10 " " " 20 10
Less than 10 9

34. The earning rate specified in the preceding paragraph will apply in all cases where moneys are in effect lent back to the employer, either directly or by the use of some device. If the device is such that the result of it is that the amount made available to the employer does not carry interest paid by the employer to the fund, the case will be treated on a basis which has the same effect, for the purposes of calculating deductible contributions, as if the amount made available to the employer had been lent back to the employer at the specified rate. Provided the fund receives income on the part of its investments equal to the amount made available to the employer at the same rate that would have accrued if that amount had been lent back to the employer at the specified rate of interest, deductible contributions may be calculated in accordance with the guidelines. If that is not the case, the deduction will be limited to the statutory amount of 5 per cent of salary or $400 whicheve r is the greater.

35. By way of illustration, the principles in the preceding paragraph would apply where the trustees of a fund lent 70 per cent of the moneys in a fund to a relative or other person associated with the employer. On the assumption that the fund did in these circumstances satisfy the requirements of section 23F and also met the 30/20 investment requirements, the potential deduction available under the guidelines would be determined by reference to the specified earning rate on the amount lent to the relative or associated person but it would be available only if, in fact, the fund could show that it received income equivalent to what would have been obtained if the funds had been directly lent back to the employer at the specified earning rate.

The 10 per cent Practice

36. There will be some funds to which contributions have been made on the basis of 10 per cent of the employee's remuneration and income tax deductions have been allowed for the amount so contributed.

37. Should any employer wish to continue on this basis that may be done provided the fund is prevented by its deed from providing excessive benefits and the level of benefits is reviewed every 10 years and annually when the employee is within 10 years of retirement so as to ensure that excessive benefits will not become payable.

38. This practice will not apply where moneys are lent back, either directly or by the use of some device, to the employer, other than in the case where the amount lent back does not exceed at any time during the year 10 per cent of the assets in the fund. Nor will it apply in the situations referred to earlier where moneys in a superannuation fund are deposited in low income producing investments and the deduction for superannuation contributions is limited to the standard amount or w here there is an excess benefit fund established alongside an existing section 23F fund to house assets transferred from the latter fund.

Commutation of Pension Entitlement

39. A pension fund deed which provides for commutation in excess of 25 per cent of pension entitlement will be acceptable provided that:-

the deed limits the amount to be paid on commutation, including the value of any remaining pension, to the amount specified in the Commissioner's lump sum guidelines which exist at the date of commutation;
the deed provides that, in the event of commutation, any amount in excess of the amount specified in the Commissioner's lump sum guidelines is dealt with in terms of section 23F(2)(f) or (g) of the Income Tax Assessment Act;
the deed provides that, where any amount remains in the fund after all members' entitlements have been paid out, the amount so remaining is to be paid to the employer. Any amount so paid to the employer would represent assessable income to the employer by virtue of section 82AAQ.

Accumulation Funds

40. An accumulation fund is one in which the member's entitlement at retirement or resignation is not defined in amount in the deed but is represented by the accumulation of contributions made on the member's behalf plus interest thereon.

41. It has been the practice of this office to require accumulation funds to use the actual earning rate of the fund for the purpose of calculating the contributions to the fund which will be allowable as income tax deductions.

42. Accumulation funds will, of course, be subject to these guidelines, i.e. they will be subject to the loan back restrictions, etc. Where all the assets of an accumulation fund are invested in appropriate arm's length securities, an earning rate of 9 per cent per annum may be used for the purpose of calculating contributions. It is strongly stressed, however, that, if this rate is used, the level of benefits must be reviewed at intervals of not more than five years so as to ensure t hat excessive benefits will not become payable. If excessive benefits arise adjustments will need to be promptly made. The ready reckoner will provide assistance in calculating the correct contribution to be made.

Death or Permanent Disability

43. During the period when salaries were required to be projected at the rate of 4 per cent per annum simple it was the practice to accept that, where the benefit provided for a member on normal retirement was reasonable, insurance could be effected by the trustees to provide a benefit on death or permanent disablement prior to retirement equal to the benefit which would have been payable on normal retirement. The premiums necessary to provide these benefits were an allowable deduction to the employer in addition to contributions to the superannuation fund.

44. In the light of the decision to project salaries at 8 per cent per annum compound the practice will no longer operate. It would result in the provision of excessive benefits in the event of death or permanent disablement before normal retiring age.

45. From 1982-83 onwards the maximum amount of death or permanent disablement benefit for which insurance premiums will be an allowable deduction, in addition to superannuation contributions, will be the permissible retirement benefit applicable to the member's salary as at the date of death or permanent disability less the amount held in the fund on the member's behalf. Contracts of insurance in existence at 30 June 1982 based on the previous practice need not be re-negotiated to prov ide for the lower benefit.

Auditor's Certificate

46. Bearing in mind the fiduciary nature of a superannuation fund it is important that, at all times, the fund is conducted in accordance with its constituent deed and complies fully with all the requirements of section 23F of the Income Tax Assessment Act.

47. From 1982-83, therefore, it will be a requirement that every year in the case of a loan back fund and every three years in the case of other funds, a certificate be supplied by an independent auditor verifying that the assets of the fund actually exist in the fund, that they are in a form suitable for the purposes for which they exist, i.e. that in the event of retirement or resignation of employees the assets are readily realisable and indicating whether, in the opinion of the audi tor, the fund is being conducted in accordance with its constituent document.

Section 79 Funds

48. The extent to which the guidelines will apply to section 79 employer sponsored funds is currently under examination in this office. It has been the practice, wherever the law permits, to apply the same approaches in these funds as are followed in section 23F funds. It may be expected, therefore, that the guidelines will generally apply in section 79 employer sponsored funds.

22 MARCH 1983



The attached ready reckoner has been prepared to assist in the calculation of contributions to lump sum superannuation funds which may be allowed as income tax deductions. A ready reckoner for smaller pension funds is in course of preparation.

The ready reckoner is based on the projection of salaries at 8% per annum compound and on interest rates varying from 9% to 15%. Rates of contribution are specified until ten years from retirement. As a general rule, where an employee is admitted to a fund within 10 years of normal retiring age, the allowable contribution will be determined in the circumstances of each case.

In a simple case, assuming an employee is admitted to a fund at age 30 on a salary of $25,000 and all the assets of the fund are invested in appropriate arm's length securities, the amount of the contribution allowable as an income tax deduction would be 15.61985% of $25,000, i.e. $3905. If 55% of the moneys in the fund were lent back to the employer, the allowable contribution would be 6.05382% of $25,000, i.e. $1513.

For existing members of funds it will be necessary to take into account in the calculation of the contribution a member's present balance in the fund. Similarly, it will be necessary to have regard to a member's balance in the fund when reviewing the contribution in the light of the actual earning of a fund. The final column in the ready reckoner indicates the dollar reduction to be made for each $100 in a fund. Assuming, in the case of the $3905 contribution referred to in the preceding paragraph, that there was $3250 held in a fund on a member's behalf, the allowable contribution would be -

Contribution as per ready reckoner $3905
Reduction factor per ready reckoner 3.08088

(($3.08088) * (3250 / 100))

= $100
Contribution = $3905 - $100
= $3805
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 10.15780 10.07098 9.69845 9.11641 8.53897
49 10.41661 10.32758 9.94556 9.34869 8.75653
48 10.68640 10.59506 10.20315 9.59082 8.98332
47 10.96785 10.87411 10.47188 9.84342 9.21993
46 11.26174 11.16549 10.75247 10.10718 9.46698
45 11.56889 11.47001 11.04573 10.38284 9.72518
44 11.89021 11.78858 11.35252 10.67121 9.99528
43 12.22667 12.12217 11.67377 10.97318 10.27813
42 12.57938 12.47186 12.01053 11.28973 10.57462
41 12.94951 12.83883 12.36392 11.62191 10.88577
40 13.33837 13.22437 12.73520 11.97091 11.21266
39 13.74740 13.62990 13.12573 12.33801 11.55650
38 14.17820 14.05702 13.53705 12.72464 11.91865
37 14.63253 14.50747 13.97084 13.13239 12.30057
36 15.11235 14.98319 14.42896 13.56302 12.70392
35 15.61985 15.48635 14.91351 14.01849 13.13054
34 16.15747 16.01937 15.42681 14.50099 13.58248
33 16.72794 16.58497 15.97149 15.01297 14.06204
32 17.33435 17.18619 16.55047 15.55721 14.57180
31 17.98018 17.82650 17.16709 16.13683 15.11470
30 18.66936 18.50979 17.82511 16.75536 15.69405
29 19.40638 19.24052 18.52881 17.41682 16.31362
28 20.19638 20.02376 19.28308 18.12582 16.97771
27 21.04522 20.86535 20.09354 18.88765 17.69128
26 21.95972 21.77203 20.96668 19.70838 18.46003
25 22.94773 22.75160 21.91001 20.59511 19.29059
24 24.01846 23.81317 22.93232 21.55606 20.19068
23 25.18269 24.96745 24.04391 22.60094 21.16937
22 26.45317 26.22708 25.25694 23.74117 22.23738
21 27.84509 27.60710 26.58591 24.99038 23.40746
20 29.37665 29.12557 28.04821 26.36493 24.69494
19 31.06991 30.80435 29.66490 27.88459 26.11835
18 32.95181 32.67017 31.46170 29.57356 27.70034
17 35.05565 34.75603 33.47040 31.46171 29.46889
16 37.42304 37.10318 35.73073 33.58639 31.45899
15 40.10668 39.76389 38.29302 35.99491 33.71495
14 43.17436 42.80535 41.22198 38.74808 36.29374
13 46.71469 46.31542 44.60221 41.92545 39.26985
12 50.84583 50.41125 48.54654 45.63307 42.74262
11 55.72892 55.25261 53.20881 50.01554 46.84750
10 61.58955 61.06314 58.80441 55.27532 51.77413
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 7.92679 6.91538 5.86764 4.23344 2.30058
49 8.12876 7.09158 6.01714 4.34130 2.33756
48 8.33929 7.27525 6.17299 4.45374 2.37610
47 8.55893 7.46686 6.33557 4.57104 2.41631
46 8.78827 7.66694 6.50533 4.69352 2.45829
45 9.02796 7.87605 6.68276 4.82153 2.50217
44 9.27870 8.09480 6.86836 4.95545 2.54807
43 9.54127 8.32386 7.06273 5.09568 2.59614
42 9.81651 8.56398 7.26646 5.24267 2.64652
41 10.10534 8.81596 7.48027 5.39693 2.69940
40 10.40880 9.08070 7.70490 5.55899 2.75495
39 10.72799 9.35917 7.94117 5.72947 2.81338
38 11.06417 9.65245 8.19002 5.90901 2.87493
37 11.41872 9.96176 8.45247 6.09836 2.93983
36 11.79315 10.28842 8.72963 6.29833 3.00838
35 12.18918 10.63392 9.02279 6.50984 3.08088
34 12.60872 10.99993 9.33334 6.73390 3.15768
33 13.05390 11.38830 9.66288 6.97166 3.23917
32 13.52712 11.80114 10.01317 7.22439 3.32580
31 14.03110 12.24082 10.38623 7.49355 3.41807
30 14.56891 12.71001 10.78434 7.78078 3.51652
29 15.14406 13.21177 11.21008 8.08794 3.62181
28 15.76054 13.74960 11.66642 8.41719 3.73467
27 16.42296 14.32749 12.15675 8.77096 3.85593
26 17.13659 14.95007 12.68501 9.15209 3.98657
25 17.90761 15.62271 13.25573 9.56386 4.12772
24 18.74316 16.35166 13.87424 10.01011 4.28068
23 19.65169 17.14426 14.54676 10.49532 4.44700
22 20.64313 18.00920 15.28065 11.02482 4.62849
21 21.72933 18.95681 16.08469 11.60492 4.82734
20 22.92451 19.99949 16.96939 12.24323 5.04613
19 24.24587 21.15225 17.94750 12.94892 5.28803
18 25.71444 22.43344 19.03458 13.73324 5.55687
17 27.35620 23.86572 20.24986 14.61005 5.85742
16 29.20363 25.47743 21.61738 15.59670 6.19562
15 31.29785 27.30444 23.16759 16.71516 6.57900
14 33.69176 29.39291 24.93963 17.99366 7.01723
13 36.45451 31.80314 26.98470 19.46916 7.52300
12 39.67831 34.61561 29.37105 21.19088 8.11316
11 43.48890 37.93999 32.19176 23.22600 8.81074
10 48.06232 41.92988 35.57714 25.66851 9.64798
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 7.84109 7.77407 7.48651 7.03721 6.59147
49 8.08592 8.01681 7.72027 7.25695 6.79728
48 8.34166 8.27036 7.96444 7.48646 7.01226
47 8.60898 8.53540 8.21968 7.72638 7.23698
46 8.88866 8.81269 8.48670 7.97738 7.47209
45 9.18151 9.10303 8.76631 8.24021 7.71827
44 9.48844 9.40734 9.05936 8.51567 7.97628
43 9.81043 9.72658 9.36679 8.80465 8.24695
42 10.14855 10.06181 9.68963 9.10811 8.53120
41 10.50401 10.41423 10.02900 9.42712 8.83000
40 10.87808 10.78511 10.38616 9.76285 9.14446
39 11.27222 11.17587 10.76248 10.11658 9.47578
38 11.68800 11.58810 11.15945 10.48973 9.82530
37 12.12718 12.02353 11.57878 10.88389 10.19449
36 12.59172 12.48410 12.02231 11.30080 10.58500
35 13.08379 12.97196 12.49212 11.74242 10.99865
34 13.60582 13.48953 12.99055 12.21094 11.43748
33 14.16054 14.03951 13.52018 12.70879 11.90380
32 14.75101 14.62494 14.08396 13.23873 12.40017
31 15.38071 15.24925 14.68518 13.80386 12.92951
30 16.05355 15.91634 15.32759 14.40772 13.49512
29 16.77399 16.63062 16.01546 15.05431 14.10075
28 17.54715 17.39717 16.75365 15.74820 14.75069
27 18.37888 18.22179 17.54777 16.49466 15.44987
26 19.27594 19.11119 18.40426 17.29975 16.20396
25 20.24617 20.07313 19.33062 18.17051 17.01957
24 21.29873 21.11669 20.33558 19.11516 17.90439
23 22.44435 22.25252 21.42940 20.14333 18.86743
22 23.69573 23.49320 22.62419 21.26642 19.91938
21 25.06797 24.85372 23.93438 22.49798 21.07293
20 26.57922 26.35205 25.37728 23.85429 22.34333
19 28.25141 28.00995 26.97386 25.35505 23.74903
18 30.11139 29.85402 28.74972 27.02434 25.31259
17 32.19228 31.91713 30.73651 28.89189 27.06185
16 34.53551 34.24033 32.97378 30.99489 29.03164
15 37.19355 36.87566 35.51162 33.38043 31.26608
14 40.23387 39.88999 38.41446 36.10905 33.82187
13 43.74469 43.37080 41.76651 39.25994 36.77317
12 47.84362 47.43470 45.68009 42.93865 40.21887
11 52.69108 52.24073 50.30834 47.28914 44.29379
10 58.51162 58.01152 55.86567 52.51295 49.18672
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 6.11891 5.33817 4.52939 3.26791 2.80365
49 6.30997 5.50486 4.67082 3.36995 2.83863
48 6.50954 5.67896 4.81855 3.47653 2.87516
47 6.71815 5.86095 4.97297 3.58794 2.91335
46 6.93640 6.05136 5.13452 3.70450 2.95331
45 7.16493 6.25073 5.30369 3.82655 2.99514
44 7.40444 6.45968 5.48098 3.95447 3.03899
43 7.65571 6.67889 5.66698 4.08866 3.08499
42 7.91958 6.90909 5.86230 4.22958 3.13329
41 8.19696 7.15108 6.06763 4.37772 3.18407
40 8.48887 7.40575 6.28371 4.53363 3.23751
39 8.79644 7.67407 6.51138 4.69789 3.29381
38 9.12090 7.95713 6.75156 4.87117 3.35321
37 9.46363 8.25613 7.00525 5.05421 3.41595
36 9.82613 8.57238 7.27359 5.24781 3.48231
35 10.21013 8.90738 7.55784 5.45289 3.55261
34 10.61750 9.26278 7.85939 5.67046 3.62719
33 11.05039 9.64043 8.17982 5.90165 3.70643
32 11.51117 10.04242 8.52091 6.14774 3.79079
31 12.00257 10.47111 8.88465 6.41018 3.88074
30 12.52763 10.92918 9.27331 6.69059 3.97686
29 13.08984 11.41966 9.68948 6.99085 4.07978
28 13.69318 11.94602 10.13609 7.31308 4.19023
27 14.34223 12.51225 10.61654 7.65971 4.30905
26 15.04227 13.12297 11.13473 8.03358 4.43720
25 15.79940 13.78350 11.69518 8.43794 4.57581
24 16.62078 14.50008 12.30319 8.87661 4.72617
23 17.51479 15.28001 12.96496 9.35407 4.88983
22 18.49132 16.13194 13.68781 9.87560 5.06860
21 19.56217 17.06616 14.48049 10.44751 5.26464
20 20.74149 18.09501 15.35346 11.07735 5.48053
19 22.04641 19.23343 16.31940 11.77427 5.71941
18 23.49787 20.49969 17.39381 12.54944 5.98512
17 25.12172 21.91635 18.59584 13.41669 6.28239
16 26.95030 23.51161 19.94940 14.39327 6.61714
15 29.02454 25.32120 21.48482 15.50106 6.99686
14 31.39710 27.39103 23.24106 16.76816 7.43119
13 34.13682 29.78118 25.26908 18.23136 7.93274
12 37.33549 32.57172 27.63682 19.93966 8.51830
11 41.11828 35.87184 30.43695 21.95992 9.21079
10 45.66042 39.83444 33.79918 24.38573 10.04230
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 5.96818 5.91717 5.69829 5.35632 5.01704
49 6.19257 6.13964 5.91254 5.55770 5.20567
48 6.42770 6.37277 6.13704 5.76873 5.40333
47 6.67428 6.61723 6.37246 5.99003 5.61061
46 6.93305 6.87380 6.61953 6.22227 5.82814
45 7.20485 7.14327 6.87904 6.46620 6.05662
44 7.49056 7.42654 7.15183 6.72262 6.29680
43 7.79117 7.72458 7.43885 6.99241 6.54951
42 8.10776 8.03847 7.74112 7.27655 6.81564
41 8.44151 8.36936 8.05978 7.57608 7.09620
40 8.79371 8.71855 8.39605 7.89217 7.39227
39 9.16579 9.08745 8.75130 8.22610 7.70505
38 9.55933 9.47763 9.12705 8.57930 8.03588
37 9.97609 9.89082 9.52496 8.95333 8.38622
36 10.41801 10.32896 9.94690 9.34994 8.75771
35 10.88725 10.79420 10.39492 9.77108 9.15217
34 11.38625 11.28893 10.87135 10.21892 9.57164
33 11.91771 11.81585 11.37878 10.69590 10.01841
32 12.48470 12.37799 11.92013 11.20476 10.49503
31 13.09066 12.97877 12.49868 11.74859 11.00442
30 13.73949 13.62206 13.11818 12.33090 11.54985
29 14.43565 14.31227 13.78286 12.95569 12.13507
28 15.18422 15.05444 14.49758 13.62752 12.76434
27 15.99103 15.85436 15.26790 14.35162 13.44257
26 16.86282 16.71870 16.10027 15.13403 14.17542
25 17.80740 17.65520 17.00213 15.98177 14.96946
24 18.83387 18.67290 17.98218 16.90300 15.83235
23 19.95293 19.78239 19.05064 17.90734 16.77307
22 21.17722 20.99622 20.21957 19.00611 17.80224
21 22.52178 22.32929 21.50332 20.21282 18.93252
20 24.00467 23.79950 22.91915 21.54368 20.17908
19 25.64773 25.42852 24.48792 23.01830 21.56030
18 27.47769 27.24284 26.23512 24.66065 23.09862
17 29.52752 29.27515 28.19226 26.50033 24.82177
16 31.83848 31.56636 30.39872 28.57437 26.76444
15 34.46280 34.16825 32.90436 30.92964 28.97052
14 37.46764 37.14740 35.77331 33.62642 31.49648
13 40.94082 40.59090 39.08944 36.74353 34.41615
12 44.99945 44.61484 42.96453 40.38606 37.82797
11 49.80321 49.37754 47.55106 44.69733 41.86616
10 55.57564 55.10064 53.06246 49.87797 46.71865
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 4.65736 4.06311 3.44751 2.48734 3.35510
49 4.83246 4.21587 3.57713 2.58086 3.38715
48 5.01595 4.37595 3.71296 2.67885 3.42074
47 5.20837 4.54382 3.85539 2.78162 3.45597
46 5.41031 4.71999 4.00487 2.88947 3.49293
45 5.62241 4.90502 4.16187 3.00274 3.53176
44 5.84537 5.09954 4.32691 3.12182 3.57258
43 6.07996 5.30419 4.50056 3.24710 3.61552
42 6.32701 5.51973 4.68344 3.37905 3.66075
41 6.58746 5.74694 4.87623 3.51814 3.70843
40 6.86230 5.98671 5.07967 3.66493 3.75874
39 7.15266 6.24002 5.29461 3.82000 3.81190
38 7.45977 6.50795 5.52194 3.98401 3.86812
37 7.78499 6.79167 5.76268 4.15771 3.92765
36 8.12985 7.09253 6.01795 4.34188 3.99079
35 8.49603 7.41199 6.28901 4.53745 4.05782
34 8.88543 7.75171 6.57726 4.74542 4.12911
33 9.30017 8.11352 6.88425 4.96691 4.20503
32 9.74262 8.49952 7.21177 5.20321 4.28603
31 10.21549 8.91206 7.56180 5.45576 4.37259
30 10.72182 9.35378 7.93660 5.72617 4.46528
29 11.26508 9.82772 8.33874 6.01631 4.56473
28 11.84923 10.33735 8.77115 6.32829 4.67167
27 12.47884 10.88662 9.23720 6.66454 4.78693
26 13.15916 11.48013 9.74079 7.02787 4.91147
25 13.89627 12.12319 10.28643 7.42154 5.04641
24 14.69729 12.82201 10.87937 7.84934 5.19305
23 15.57057 13.58386 11.52579 8.31573 5.35292
22 16.52596 14.41735 12.23300 8.82597 5.52782
21 17.57521 15.33272 13.00968 9.38634 5.71990
20 18.73240 16.34227 13.86627 10.00436 5.93174
19 20.01459 17.46086 14.81539 10.68914 6.16646
18 21.44263 18.70668 15.87246 11.45180 6.42788
17 23.04225 20.10220 17.05655 12.30611 6.72072
16 24.84564 21.67549 18.39147 13.26924 7.05085
15 26.89356 23.46211 19.90740 14.36297 7.42576
14 29.23843 25.50779 21.64314 15.61529 7.85502
13 31.94878 27.87232 23.64943 17.06280 8.35119
12 35.11600 30.63542 25.99389 18.75430 8.93099
11 38.86468 33.90579 28.76878 20.75635 9.61724
10 43.36929 37.83564 32.10322 23.16211 10.44188
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 4.48443 4.44611 4.28164 4.02469 3.76976
49 4.68413 4.64410 4.47231 4.20391 3.93763
48 4.89430 4.85247 4.67298 4.39253 4.11430
47 5.11563 5.07191 4.88430 4.59117 4.30036
46 5.34888 5.30316 5.10700 4.80051 4.49644
45 5.59487 5.54705 5.34186 5.02128 4.70322
44 5.85450 5.80446 5.58975 5.25429 4.92147
43 6.12874 6.07636 5.85159 5.50041 5.15201
42 6.41867 6.36381 6.12841 5.76062 5.39574
41 6.72547 6.66799 6.42134 6.03597 5.65364
40 7.05043 6.99017 6.73160 6.32761 5.92681
39 7.39498 7.33177 7.06057 6.63684 6.21645
38 7.76069 7.69436 7.40974 6.96506 6.52388
37 8.14931 8.07966 7.78079 7.31384 6.85057
36 8.56279 8.48960 8.17557 7.68492 7.19815
35 9.00328 8.92633 8.59614 8.08025 7.56844
34 9.47320 9.39223 9.04481 8.50200 7.96347
33 9.97525 9.89000 9.52416 8.95258 8.38551
32 10.51249 10.42264 10.03711 9.43474 8.83713
31 11.08835 10.99358 10.58692 9.95156 9.32122
30 11.70672 11.60667 11.17733 10.50654 9.84104
29 12.37204 12.26630 11.81257 11.10365 10.40033
28 13.08938 12.97750 12.49746 11.74744 11.00334
27 13.86453 13.74603 13.23756 12.44313 11.65497
26 14.70422 14.57854 14.03928 13.19673 12.36083
25 15.61622 15.48275 14.91004 14.01523 13.12749
24 16.60961 16.46765 15.85850 14.90677 13.96256
23 17.69503 17.54379 16.89484 15.88092 14.87500
22 18.88508 18.72367 18.03108 16.94896 15.87540
21 20.19473 20.02213 19.28151 18.12435 16.97633
20 21.64197 21.45700 20.66330 19.42321 18.19293
19 23.24856 23.04985 22.19724 20.86509 19.54348
18 25.04109 24.82706 23.90871 22.47385 21.05033
17 27.05241 26.82119 25.82907 24.27897 22.74111
16 29.32359 29.07296 27.99755 26.31731 24.65034
15 31.90664 31.63393 30.46379 28.63554 26.82173
14 34.86842 34.57040 33.29164 31.29367 29.31150
13 38.29638 37.96906 36.56458 34.37019 32.19315
12 42.30710 41.94550 40.39393 37.96973 35.56469
11 47.05955 46.65733 44.93147 42.23496 39.55975
10 52.77631 52.32523 50.38971 47.36563 44.36544
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 3.49949 3.05298 2.59043 1.86896 3.94751
49 3.65533 3.18894 2.70578 1.95219 3.97604
48 3.81934 3.33202 2.82719 2.03978 4.00606
47 3.99206 3.48270 2.95504 2.13203 4.03768
46 4.17408 3.64149 3.08977 2.22924 4.07100
45 4.36604 3.80896 3.23187 2.33176 4.10614
44 4.56864 3.98571 3.38184 2.43996 4.14323
43 4.78265 4.17242 3.54026 2.55426 4.18241
42 5.00891 4.36980 3.70774 2.67509 4.22383
41 5.24832 4.57867 3.88496 2.80295 4.26766
40 5.50191 4.79990 4.07267 2.93839 4.31408
39 5.77078 5.03446 4.27170 3.08198 4.36330
38 6.05617 5.28344 4.48295 3.23440 4.41554
37 6.35944 5.54801 4.70744 3.39637 4.47106
36 6.68210 5.82951 4.94629 3.56869 4.53013
35 7.02584 6.12939 5.20073 3.75227 4.59306
34 7.39255 6.44931 5.47218 3.94812 4.66019
33 7.78434 6.79111 5.76219 4.15736 4.73191
32 8.20358 7.15685 6.07253 4.38126 4.80866
31 8.65296 7.54890 6.40517 4.62126 4.89092
30 9.13552 7.96988 6.76238 4.87898 4.97926
29 9.65471 8.42283 7.14670 5.15626 5.07431
28 10.21449 8.91118 7.56106 5.45522 5.17678
27 10.81939 9.43891 8.00883 5.77828 5.28752
26 11.47466 10.01056 8.49388 6.12824 5.40748
25 12.18635 10.63145 9.02069 6.50833 5.53776
24 12.96156 11.30774 9.59452 6.92234 5.67968
23 13.80858 12.04669 10.22152 7.37471 5.83474
22 14.73725 12.85687 10.90895 7.87068 6.00474
21 15.75926 13.74848 11.66547 8.41650 6.19184
20 16.88864 14.73375 12.50146 9.01967 6.39858
19 18.14236 15.82751 13.42951 9.68924 6.62810
18 19.54119 17.04786 14.46496 10.43631 6.88417
17 21.11075 18.41716 15.62680 11.27456 7.17150
16 22.88310 19.96336 16.93874 12.22111 7.49596
15 24.89882 21.72189 18.43084 13.29764 7.86497
14 27.21009 23.73826 20.14171 14.53202 8.28808
13 29.88515 26.07200 22.12187 15.96068 8.77779
12 33.01498 28.80248 24.43865 17.63222 9.35075
11 36.72363 32.03793 27.18391 19.61288 10.02967
10 41.18478 35.92987 30.48618 21.99544 10.84635
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 3.33081 3.30234 3.18019 2.98933 2.79998
49 3.50385 3.47391 3.34541 3.14463 2.94545
48 3.68692 3.65541 3.52020 3.30894 3.09934
47 3.88071 3.84754 3.70522 3.48286 3.26225
46 4.08597 4.05105 3.90120 3.66707 3.43480
45 4.30352 4.26674 4.10891 3.86232 3.61768
44 4.53426 4.49551 4.32922 4.06940 3.81164
43 4.77916 4.73831 4.56304 4.28920 4.01751
42 5.03930 4.99623 4.81141 4.52266 4.23619
41 5.31584 5.27041 5.07545 4.77086 4.46866
40 5.61009 5.56214 5.35639 5.03494 4.71602
39 5.92346 5.87283 5.65559 5.31618 4.97945
38 6.25753 6.20405 5.97456 5.61600 5.26028
37 6.61404 6.55751 6.31495 5.93596 5.55997
36 6.99493 6.93515 6.67861 6.27780 5.88016
35 7.40236 7.33909 7.06761 6.64346 6.22266
34 7.83873 7.77173 7.48425 7.03509 6.58948
33 8.30675 8.23575 7.93111 7.45513 6.98291
32 8.80945 8.73415 8.41108 7.90629 7.40550
31 9.35026 9.27035 8.92743 8.39166 7.86013
30 9.93307 9.84818 9.48389 8.91473 8.35006
29 10.56230 10.47203 10.08467 9.47945 8.87901
28 11.24300 11.14691 10.73458 10.09036 9.45122
27 11.98096 11.87856 11.43917 10.75266 10.07157
26 12.78286 12.67361 12.20481 11.47235 10.74568
25 13.65646 13.53974 13.03891 12.25639 11.48006
24 14.61081 14.48593 13.95009 13.11289 12.28231
23 15.65651 15.52270 14.94851 14.05139 13.16136
22 16.80611 16.66247 16.04612 15.08313 14.12775
21 18.07453 17.92005 17.25718 16.22151 15.19402
20 19.47968 19.31319 18.59879 17.48260 16.37524
19 21.04324 20.86338 20.09164 18.88587 17.68961
18 22.79169 22.59689 21.76103 20.45507 19.15942
17 24.75776 24.54616 23.63819 22.21957 20.81216
16 26.98233 26.75172 25.76217 24.21608 22.68220
15 29.51720 29.26492 28.18241 26.49107 24.81310
14 32.42895 32.15178 30.96249 29.10430 27.26081
13 35.80466 35.49863 34.18553 32.13393 30.09853
12 39.76039 39.42055 37.96238 35.68411 33.42384
11 44.45444 44.07449 42.44417 39.89692 37.36981
10 50.10840 49.68013 47.84245 44.97124 42.12271
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 2.59925 2.26760 1.92404 1.38817 4.57284
49 2.73428 2.38541 2.02400 1.46029 4.59756
48 2.87714 2.51004 2.12975 1.53659 4.62372
47 3.02837 2.64197 2.24169 1.61735 4.65140
46 3.18855 2.78171 2.36026 1.70290 4.68072
45 3.35832 2.92982 2.48592 1.79356 4.71180
44 3.53838 3.08690 2.61921 1.88973 4.74476
43 3.72949 3.25363 2.76068 1.99180 4.77975
42 3.93249 3.43073 2.91094 2.10021 4.81691
41 4.14830 3.61900 3.07069 2.21547 4.85642
40 4.37791 3.81932 3.24066 2.33810 4.89845
39 4.62246 4.03266 3.42168 2.46870 4.94322
38 4.88316 4.26009 3.61465 2.60793 4.99095
37 5.16136 4.50281 3.82059 2.75651 5.04188
36 5.45860 4.76212 4.04061 2.91526 5.09629
35 5.77654 5.03949 4.27596 3.08506 5.15449
34 6.11707 5.33657 4.52803 3.26692 5.21683
33 6.48229 5.65519 4.79838 3.46198 5.28369
32 6.87458 5.99743 5.08877 3.67149 5.35551
31 7.29662 6.36561 5.40117 3.89688 5.43276
30 7.75142 6.76239 5.73783 4.13978 5.51602
29 8.24245 7.19077 6.10130 4.40202 5.60591
28 8.77364 7.65418 6.49451 4.68571 5.70316
27 9.34952 8.15658 6.92079 4.99327 5.80858
26 9.97530 8.70251 7.38401 5.32748 5.92314
25 10.65703 9.29726 7.88864 5.69157 6.04794
24 11.40176 9.94697 8.43992 6.08931 6.18427
23 12.21779 10.65888 9.04397 6.52512 6.33366
22 13.11490 11.44152 9.70803 7.00424 6.49789
21 14.10473 12.30506 10.44073 7.53287 6.67909
20 15.20126 13.26168 11.25242 8.11849 6.87982
19 16.42141 14.32614 12.15561 8.77013 7.10319
18 17.78584 15.51648 13.16560 9.49883 7.35297
17 19.32009 16.85497 14.30130 10.31822 7.63384
16 21.05607 18.36945 15.58632 11.24535 7.95163
15 23.03419 20.09517 17.05058 12.30180 8.31376
14 25.30642 22.07748 18.73255 13.51533 8.72972
13 27.94070 24.37564 20.68252 14.92221 9.21196
12 31.02761 27.06869 22.96755 16.57083 9.77707
11 34.69069 30.26438 25.67906 18.52716 10.44765
10 39.10284 34.11357 28.94507 20.88355 11.25536
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 2.44892 2.42799 2.33817 2.19785 2.05864
49 2.59532 2.57314 2.47796 2.32924 2.18171
48 2.75113 2.72762 2.62672 2.46908 2.31269
47 2.91704 2.89211 2.78513 2.61798 2.45216
46 3.09380 3.06736 2.95389 2.77662 2.60074
45 3.28221 3.25416 3.13379 2.94572 2.75913
44 3.48318 3.45341 3.32566 3.12608 2.92807
43 3.69766 3.66606 3.53045 3.31857 3.10837
42 3.92674 3.89317 3.74916 3.52416 3.30094
41 4.17156 4.13591 3.98292 3.74389 3.50675
40 4.43344 4.39555 4.23295 3.97892 3.72689
39 4.71378 4.67349 4.50061 4.23051 3.96255
38 5.01414 4.97129 4.78740 4.50009 4.21505
37 5.33628 5.29067 5.09497 4.78920 4.48585
36 5.68212 5.63356 5.42517 5.09959 4.77657
35 6.05382 6.00208 5.78006 5.43317 5.08903
34 6.45377 6.39861 6.16192 5.79212 5.42524
33 6.88467 6.82583 6.57334 6.17885 5.78748
32 7.34956 7.28675 7.01721 6.59608 6.17827
31 7.85185 7.78474 7.49678 7.04687 6.60052
30 8.39542 8.32367 8.01577 7.53471 7.05746
29 8.98468 8.90789 8.57838 8.06356 7.55280
28 9.62466 9.54239 9.18942 8.63793 8.09079
27 10.32114 10.23292 9.85441 9.26300 8.67628
26 11.08079 10.98608 10.57971 9.94478 9.31486
25 11.91134 11.80953 11.37270 10.69018 10.01305
24 12.82180 12.71222 12.24199 11.50730 10.77841
23 13.82276 13.70462 13.19768 12.40564 11.61985
22 14.92672 14.79914 14.25172 13.39641 12.54787
21 16.14854 16.01052 15.41828 14.49297 13.57497
20 17.50607 17.35645 16.71443 15.71133 14.71616
19 19.02092 18.85834 18.16077 17.07087 15.98958
18 20.71946 20.54237 19.78250 18.59528 17.41743
17 22.63429 22.44084 21.61075 20.31380 19.02710
16 24.80615 24.59413 23.68439 22.26300 20.85283
15 27.28661 27.05339 26.05268 24.48916 22.93799
14 30.14199 29.88436 28.77894 27.05180 25.33831
13 33.45899 33.17301 31.94594 30.02874 28.12669
12 37.35321 37.03395 35.66406 33.52372 31.40029
11 41.98227 41.62345 40.08379 37.67821 35.29163
10 47.56682 47.16027 45.41580 42.69022 39.98618
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 1.91105 1.66721 1.41461 1.02063 5.22314
49 2.02529 1.76688 1.49918 1.08164 5.24405
48 2.14689 1.87296 1.58919 1.14658 5.26631
47 2.27636 1.98591 1.68502 1.21573 5.29001
46 2.41429 2.10624 1.78713 1.28939 5.31526
45 2.56132 2.23451 1.89597 1.36792 5.34218
44 2.71815 2.37133 2.01205 1.45167 5.37089
43 2.88553 2.51735 2.13595 1.54106 5.40153
42 3.06429 2.67330 2.26827 1.63653 5.43425
41 3.25534 2.83998 2.40970 1.73857 5.46923
40 3.45970 3.01826 2.56097 1.84771 5.50664
39 3.67846 3.20911 2.72291 1.96454 5.54669
38 3.91286 3.41360 2.89641 2.08973 5.58960
37 4.16425 3.63292 3.08250 2.22399 5.63562
36 4.43413 3.86836 3.28227 2.36812 5.68502
35 4.72419 4.12141 3.49698 2.52303 5.73812
34 5.03630 4.39370 3.72801 2.68972 5.79526
33 5.37256 4.68705 3.97692 2.86931 5.85682
32 5.73534 5.00355 4.24547 3.06305 5.92323
31 6.12731 5.34550 4.53561 3.27239 5.99498
30 6.55149 5.71556 4.84961 3.49894 6.07264
29 7.01133 6.11673 5.18999 3.74452 6.15682
28 7.51074 6.55242 5.55967 4.01124 6.24824
27 8.05425 7.02658 5.96199 4.30151 6.34774
26 8.64706 7.54375 6.40081 4.61811 6.45626
25 9.29519 8.10918 6.88057 4.96426 6.57491
24 10.00569 8.72902 7.40650 5.34371 6.70498
23 10.78680 9.41047 7.98470 5.76087 6.84797
22 11.64829 10.16204 8.62240 6.22097 7.00568
21 12.60175 10.99385 9.32819 6.73018 7.18022
20 13.66112 11.91805 10.11236 7.29596 7.37416
19 14.84326 12.94935 10.98741 7.92729 7.59056
18 16.16874 14.10571 11.96857 8.63519 7.83321
17 17.66301 15.40932 13.07468 9.43323 8.10676
16 19.35785 16.88791 14.32925 10.33839 8.41703
15 21.29351 18.57659 15.76208 11.37217 8.77138
14 23.52175 20.52052 17.41149 12.56219 9.17929
13 26.11022 22.77872 19.32755 13.94461 9.65315
12 29.14914 25.42989 21.57705 15.56760 10.20946
11 32.76150 28.58134 24.25102 17.49684 10.87076
10 37.11948 32.38327 27.47693 19.82430 11.66855
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $1-$27,500 $27,501-$31,000 $31,001-$38,500 $38,501-$46,500 $46,501-$53,000
50 1.78478 1.76952 1.70407 1.60180 1.50034
49 1.90605 1.88976 1.81986 1.71064 1.60228
48 2.03596 2.01856 1.94390 1.82723 1.71150
47 2.17520 2.15661 2.07684 1.95220 1.82854
46 2.32449 2.30463 2.21938 2.08618 1.95404
45 2.48464 2.46341 2.37229 2.22992 2.08867
44 2.65653 2.63382 2.53640 2.38418 2.23316
43 2.84111 2.81683 2.71263 2.54984 2.38833
42 3.03945 3.01347 2.90200 2.72784 2.55505
41 3.25269 3.22489 3.10560 2.91922 2.73431
40 3.48212 3.45236 3.32465 3.12513 2.92718
39 3.72915 3.69727 3.56051 3.34683 3.13484
38 3.99533 3.96118 3.81465 3.58572 3.35860
37 4.28239 4.24579 4.08874 3.84336 3.59991
36 4.59226 4.55301 4.38460 4.12146 3.86040
35 4.92708 4.88497 4.70427 4.42195 4.14186
34 5.28924 5.24404 5.05006 4.74699 4.44631
33 5.68143 5.63288 5.42451 5.09897 4.77599
32 6.10667 6.05448 5.83052 5.48061 5.13346
31 6.56837 6.51223 6.27135 5.89498 5.52158
30 7.07040 7.00997 6.75067 6.34553 5.94360
29 7.61714 7.55204 7.27269 6.83623 6.40321
28 8.21363 8.14343 7.84220 7.37156 6.90464
27 8.86563 8.78986 8.46472 7.95672 7.45273
26 9.57978 9.49790 9.14658 8.59765 8.05307
25 10.36380 10.27522 9.89514 9.30130 8.71214
24 11.22668 11.13073 10.71900 10.07571 9.43750
23 12.17896 12.07487 11.62822 10.93036 10.23802
22 13.23311 13.12001 12.63470 11.87644 11.12417
21 14.40396 14.28085 13.75260 12.92725 12.10842
20 15.70929 15.57502 14.99890 14.09876 13.20573
19 17.17062 17.02387 16.39415 15.41027 14.43417
18 18.81427 18.65346 17.96347 16.88541 15.81587
17 20.67268 20.49600 19.73785 18.55330 17.37811
16 22.78646 22.59171 21.75604 20.45037 19.15502
15 25.20698 24.99154 24.06710 22.62274 21.18979
14 28.00030 27.76099 26.73410 25.12968 23.53794
13 31.25278 30.98567 29.83950 28.04872 26.27208
12 35.07955 34.77972 33.49322 31.48316 29.48898
11 39.63756 39.29878 37.84511 35.57388 33.32059
10 45.14656 44.76069 43.10498 40.51808 37.95163
YRS. TO RETIREMENT $53,001-$60,500 $60,501-$76,000 $76,001-$90,500 $90,501 + OVER $REDN PER $100 ASSETS
50 1.39278 1.21507 1.03097 0.74383 5.89104
49 1.48741 1.29763 1.10103 0.79438 5.90836
48 1.58879 1.38607 1.17607 0.84852 5.92692
47 1.69745 1.48087 1.25650 0.90655 5.94681
46 1.81395 1.58250 1.34274 0.96877 5.96814
45 1.93893 1.69153 1.43525 1.03552 5.99102
44 2.07306 1.80855 1.53454 1.10715 6.01557
43 2.21710 1.93421 1.64116 1.18408 6.04194
42 2.37188 2.06924 1.75573 1.26674 6.07027
41 2.53828 2.21441 1.87891 1.35561 6.10074
40 2.71732 2.37061 2.01144 1.45123 6.13351
39 2.91009 2.53878 2.15414 1.55418 6.16880
38 3.11781 2.72000 2.30789 1.66512 6.20683
37 3.34183 2.91543 2.47372 1.78476 6.24784
36 3.58364 3.12639 2.65271 1.91390 6.29210
35 3.84492 3.35433 2.84612 2.05344 6.33994
34 4.12754 3.60089 3.05532 2.20438 6.39167
33 4.43359 3.86789 3.28187 2.36783 6.44770
32 4.76543 4.15739 3.52751 2.54506 6.50845
31 5.12573 4.47172 3.79421 2.73748 6.57441
30 5.51749 4.81349 4.08421 2.94671 6.64612
29 5.94415 5.18572 4.40003 3.17457 6.72423
28 6.40963 5.59180 4.74460 3.42317 6.80944
27 6.91843 6.03568 5.12122 3.69490 6.90259
26 7.47573 6.52187 5.53375 3.99254 7.00461
25 8.08755 7.05563 5.98664 4.31929 7.11661
24 8.76091 7.64307 6.48508 4.67891 7.23988
23 9.50404 8.29138 7.03516 5.07579 7.37592
22 10.32666 9.00904 7.64409 5.51513 7.52651
21 11.24034 9.80615 8.32043 6.00310 7.69377
20 12.25898 10.69481 9.07445 6.54712 7.88025
19 13.39935 11.68968 9.91859 7.15615 8.08901
18 14.68199 12.80866 10.86804 7.84117 8.32382
17 16.13224 14.07387 11.94156 8.61570 8.58931
16 17.78176 15.51292 13.16258 9.49665 8.89128
15 19.67065 17.16080 14.56079 10.50545 9.23706
14 21.85046 19.06248 16.17435 11.66961 9.63611
13 24.38858 21.27675 18.05314 13.02514 10.10075
12 27.37485 23.88199 20.26367 14.62001 10.64743
11 30.93177 26.98507 22.89660 16.51964 11.29858
10 35.23079 30.73557 26.07886 18.81561 12.08557


ATO references:
NO 4 J172/21/1 P15

Date of effect:

Date original memo issued:

Related Rulings/Determinations:

IT 2026

Subject References:

Legislative References: