Kennon v Spry

[2008] HCA 56


High Court of Australia

Judges: French CJ
Gummow J
Hayne J
Heydon J
Kiefel J

Legislative References:
Family Law Act 1975 - s 4(1); s 79(1); s 85A; s 106B
Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 - s 86(1)
Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 (UK) - s 45
Bankruptcy Act 1966 - The Act
Matrimonial Causes Act 1859 (Eng) - s 5
Finance Act 1940 (UK) - s 43
Corporations Act 2001 - The Act
Duties Act 1997 (NSW) - s 163U(1)
Land Tax Assessment Act 1910 - The Act
Matrimonial Causes Act 1859 - s 5

Hearing date:
Judgment date: 3 December 2008



[238] I would dismiss the appeals and grant special leave to cross-appeal in each matter on the ground that s 85A of the Act enabled the court to deal with the trust property. I would allow the cross-appeals; vary the orders of the primary judge by deleting the order numbered 4 and order in lieu that the wife be paid the sum of $2,182,302 out of the assets of the ICF Spry Trust and that the husband do all such things as are necessary to effect that payment. In each appeal the appellants should pay the costs of the wife, including the costs of the cross-appeal. There should be no order for the costs of the other respondents.


Matter No M25/2008

Appeal dismissed.
Appellants to pay the costs of the appeal of the first respondent.
Application by first respondent for special leave to cross-appeal dismissed with no order as to costs.

Matter No M26/2008

Appeal dismissed.
Appellant to pay the costs of the appeal of the third respondent.
Application by third respondent for special leave to cross-appeal dismissed with no order as to costs.

In their reasons for judgment on appeal, the Full Court of the Family Court noted that it was common ground between Dr and Mrs Spry that there had been a double counting of the value of the shares held by Mrs Spry as nominee, such that the value of the pool should be reduced to $9,527,356. It was suggested that this matter be addressed by consent : Stephens v Stephens ( 2007) 38 Fam LR 149 ; 212 FLR 362 ; [2007] FamCA 680at [75] per Finn J, [306] per Warnick J (Stephens).

Stephens at [142].

On the other hand a trustee exercising such a power would owe a fiduciary duty to the beneficiaries : Lock v Westpac Banking Corp ( 1991) 25 NSWLR 593 at 609 per Waddell CJ in Eq.

Chief Commissioner of Stamp Duties (NSW) v Buckle ( 1998) 192 CLR 226 ; 151 ALR 1 ; [1998] HCA 4 at [8].

Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Vegners ( 1989) 90 ALR 547 at 552.

G Thomas and A Hudson , The Law of Trusts, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, p 184.

O'Grady v Wilmot [ 1916] 2 AC 231 at 270.

(1915) 20 CLR 490 ; 21 ALR 465 ; [1915] HCA 57 (Glenn).

Glenn at CLR 497.

(1964) 112 CLR 12 at 22 ; [1965] AC 694 at 712-13 ; [1965] ALR 803 at 809-10 (Livingston).

(2005) 224 CLR 98 ; 221 ALR 196 ; [2005] HCA 53 (CPT Custodian).

CPT Custodianat [25].

See generally I J Hardingham and R Baxt , Discretionary Trusts, 2nd ed, Butterworths, Sydney, 1984, pp 134-41.

Dougherty v Dougherty ( 1987) 163 CLR 278 at 286 ; 72 ALR 550 at 554 ; 11 Fam LR 577 at 581 ; [1987] HCA 33 per Mason CJ, Wilson and Dawson JJ.

In the Marriage of Duff ( 1977) 15 ALR 476 at 484 ; 3 Fam LR 11,211 at 11,218.

(1835) 5 LJ Ch 87 at 90.

In the Marriage of Kelly (No 2) ( 1981) 7 Fam LR 762 (Kelly (No 2)).

Kelly (No 2) at 764 and 768.

Kelly (No 2) at 768.

In the Marriage of Ashton ( 1986) 11 Fam LR 457 (Ashton).

Ashton at 461.

Ashton at 461.

Ashton at 462.

See also In the Marriage of Davidson (No 2) ( 1990) 14 Fam LR 817 ; 101 FLR 373 for a similar conclusion on a similar trust deed.

In the Marriage of Goodwin ( 1990) 14 Fam LR 801 at 805 ; 101 FLR 386 at 392 (Goodwin).

Goodwinat Fam LR 805; FLR 392.

Goodwinat Fam LR 805; FLR 392.

(1981) 148 CLR 337 at 354 ; 33 ALR 631 at 644 ; 6 Fam LR 591 at 601-2 ; [1981] HCA 1 (Ascot Investments) per Gibbs J.

Molloy v Federal Cmr of Land Tax ( 1937) 58 CLR 352 at 360 ; [1937] ALR 637 at 640 ; [1937] HCA 62 ; Burke v Dawes ( 1938) 59 CLR 1 at 21 ; [1938] ALR 135 at 141-2 ; [1938] HCA 6 ; Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd v Cmr of Stamp Duties (NSW) ( 1941) 64 CLR 492 at 510 ; [1941] ALR 162 at 167 ; [1941] HCA 15 ; Re Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust ( 1991) 30 FCR 491 at 501 ; 102 ALR 681 at 692 ; 5 ACSR 587 at 597.

Minnesota v United States 305 US 382 (1939) at 386 fn 1.

Ascot Investments at CLR 354; ALR 643-4; Fam LR 601-2.

Ascot Investments at CLR 355; ALR 644; Fam LR 602 per Gibbs J.

(1979) 141 CLR 526 at 534 ; 23 ALR 531 at 537 ; 5 Fam LR 1 at 6-7 ; [1979] HCA 14 per Gibbs J, Barwick CJ and Mason J agreeing.

Gartside v Inland Revenue Cmrs [ 1968] AC 553 at 617 ; [1968] 1 All ER 121 at 134 (Gartside).

Gartside at AC 617-18; All ER 134; see also Sainsbury v Inland Revenue Cmrs [ 1970] Ch 712 at 725.

Livingston v Cmr of Stamp Duties (Qld) ( 1960) 107 CLR 411 at 444 ; [1961] Qd R 118 at 165-6 ; [1961] ALR 534 at 553-4 ; [1960] HCA 94 per Fullagar J.

Livingston at CLR 27; ALR 813; AC 717.

Official Receiver in Bankruptcy v Schultz ( 1990) 170 CLR 306 at 314 ; 96 ALR 327 at 332.

In the Marriage of Hauff ( 1986) 10 Fam LR 1076 at 1081 (Hauff).

In the Marriage of Evans ( 1991) 14 Fam LR 646 ; 104 FLR 130 (Evans).

Evansat Fam LR 654; FLR 139.

Evansat Fam LR 659; FLR 144.

Reported under the title Stephens v Stephens ( 2007) 38 Fam LR 149 ; 212 FLR 362 ; [2007] FamCA 680.

See the definition of "court" in s 4(1).

These include Yanner v Eaton ( 1999) 201 CLR 351 ; 166 ALR 258 ; [1999] HCA 53 at [17]-[19] and [85]-[86 ]; Zhu v Treasurer of New South Wales ( 2004) 218 CLR 530 ; 211 ALR 159 ; [2004] HCA 56 at [135].

Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Carey (No 6) ( 2006) 153 FCR 509 ; 233 ALR 475 ; 58 ACSR 141 ; [2006] FCA 814 at [29 ] (Carey); Saulnier v Royal Bank of Canada 2008 SCC 58 at [16 ] (Saulnier).

Saulnier at [16].

R Sullivan , Sullivan and Driedger on the Construction of Statutes, 4th ed, Butterworths, Markham, 2002, p 1.

Saulnier at [16].

(1977) 15 ALR 476 at 484 ; 3 Fam LR 11,211 at 11,218 ; 29 FLR 46 at 55-6 (Duff).

(1981) 7 Fam LR 762 at 768.

With effect 17 December 2004, Sch 6 of the Family Law Amendment Act 2003 (Cth) supplemented Pt VIII by adding Pt VIIIAA (ss 90AA-90AK). The new Part is headed "Orders and injunctions binding third parties". No reliance was placed upon Pt VIIIAA in submissions to this court.

Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [ 1973] AC 360 at 374-5 ; [1972] 2 All ER 492 at 496 per Lord Wilberforce.

Section 106B was introduced by the Family Law Amendment Act 2000 (Cth) and was substantially amended by Sch 1, items 20 and 21 of the Family Law Amendment Act 2005 (Cth), but with no application to dispositions before 3 August 2005.

Brooks v Brooks [ 1996] AC 375 at 391 ; [1995] 3 All ER 257 at 263 (Brooks).

(1983) 158 CLR 436 at 445 ; 45 ALR 291 at 297 ; 8 Fam LR 777 at 782 ; [1983] HCA 4.

Particularly by the Family Law Amendment Act 1983 (Cth) (the 1983 Act).

Brooks at AC 391-2; All ER 263. See also the remarks of Mason J in Re Toohey; Ex parte Meneling Station Pty Ltd ( 1982) 158 CLR 327 at 344 ; 44 ALR 63 at 76 ; [1982] HCA 69.

Brooks at AC 391; All ER 263.

Section 86(1) and (2) read:
(1) The court may, in proceedings under this Act, by order require the parties to the marriage, or either of them, to make, for the benefit of all or any of the parties to, and the children of, the marriage, such a settlement of property to which the parties are, or either of them is, entitled (whether in possession or reversion) as the court considers just and equitable in the circumstances of the case.
(2) The court may, in proceedings under this Act, make such order as the court considers just and equitable with respect to the application for the benefit of all or any of the parties to, and the children of, the marriage of the whole or part of property dealt with by ante-nuptial or post-nuptial settlements on the parties to the marriage, or either of them.

[1966] ALR 257 at 260-1 ; (1965) 7 FLR 321 at 325.

(1967) 116 CLR 366 at 380 ; [1968] ALR 43 at 50-1 ; [1967] HCA 33 (Sanders).

Sanders at CLR 374-5; ALR 46-7.

(1960) 106 CLR 170 ; [1960] Qd R 578 ; [1961] ALR 196 ; [1960] HCA 79 (Dewar).

Sanders at CLR 382; ALR 52.

Dewar at CLR 174; Qd R 583; ALR 198-9. See also Lansell v Lansell ( 1964) 110 CLR 353 at 361-2 ; [1965] ALR 153 at 157-9 ; [1964] HCA 42 per Kitto J; and compare In the Marriage of Knight ( 1987) 11 Fam LR 890 ; 90 FLR 313.

Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs v Wang ( 2003) 215 CLR 518 ; 196 ALR 385 ; 72 ALD 577 ; [2003] HCA 11 at [58 ]; Abigroup Ltd v Abignano ( 1992) 39 FCR 74 at 88 ; 112 ALR 497 at 509.

See House v R ( 1936) 55 CLR 499 at 504-5 ; [1936] HCA 40.

Fencott v Muller ( 1983) 152 CLR 570 at 608-9 ; 46 ALR 41 at 68 ; [1983] HCA 12 ; Stack v Coast Securities (No 9) Pty Ltd ( 1983) 154 CLR 261 at 293 ; 49 ALR 193 at 214 ; 1 IPR 193 at 212-13 ; [1983] HCA 36.

At [97].

See Re Macks; Ex parte Saint ( 2000) 204 CLR 158 ; 176 ALR 545 ; 36 ACSR 216 ; [2000] HCA 62 at [54 ]; APLA Ltd v Legal Services Cmr (NSW) ( 2005) 224 CLR 322 ; 219 ALR 403 ; [2005] HCA 44 at [231].

Careyat [30].

CPT Custodian Pty Ltd v Cmr of State Revenue (Vic) ( 2005) 224 CLR 98 ; 221 ALR 196 ; [2005] HCA 53 at [17 ]; Schmidt v Rosewood Trust Ltd [ 2003] 2 AC 709 ; [2003] 3 All ER 76 at [51].

Re Baden's Deed Trusts [ 1971] AC 424 at 456 ; [1970] 2 All ER 228 at 246 per Lord Wilberforce; compare Kain v Hutton [ 2008] 3 NZLR 589 ; [2008] NZSC 61 at [25].

See [91].

Section 79(1B) and (1C).

Compare Langley v Langley ( 1892) 18 VLR 712 at 715, a decision under s 98 of the Marriage Act 1890 (Vic) and Dormer v Ward [ 1901] P 20 at 33 and Blood v Blood [ 1902] P 78 at 82, cases under s 5 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1859 (UK). See also W Rayden , Rayden's Practice and Law in the Divorce Division, 2nd ed, Butterworths, London, 1926, pp 360-1.

"Family Law in Australia: Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Family Law Act", July 1980, vol 1, §5.117.

(1932) 47 CLR 1 at 7 and 20-1 ; [1932] ALR 355 at 356 and 361-2 ; [1932] HCA 9 (Anthony Hordern).

(2006) 228 CLR 566 ; 230 ALR 370 ; 93 ALD 1 ; [2006] HCA 50 at [59].

Anthony Hordern at CLR 7; ALR 356.

R v Wallis ( 1949) 78 CLR 529 at 550 ; [1949] ALR 689 at 697-8 ; [1949] HCA 30.

Leon Fink Holdings Pty Ltd v Australian Film Commission ( 1979) 141 CLR 672 at 678 ; 24 ALR 513 at 518 ; [1979] HCA 26 ; Refrigerated Express Lines (Australasia) Pty Ltd v Australian Meat & LiveStock Corp (No 2) ( 1980) 29 ALR 333 at 347.

(1981) 148 CLR 337 at 354 ; 33 ALR 631 at 643-4 ; 6 Fam LR 591 at 601-2 ; [1981] HCA 1.

Section 4(1) definition of "matrimonial cause", para (ca).

De L v Director-General, New South Wales Department of Community Services (No 2) ( 1997) 190 CLR 207 at 222-3 ; 143 ALR 171 at 182-3 ; 21 Fam LR 432 at 443-4 ; [1997] HCA 14.

See [13] above.

Clause 5 provides:
At any time this trust may be terminated if all the beneficiaries then alive and being sui juris unanimously so consent; and none of the fund shall in such event be paid to or applied for the settlor, but it shall be distributed equally amongst the male beneficiaries.

Clause 7 provides:
At the date of distribution the fund shall be divided amongst such of the beneficiaries as the trustee thinks fit and, in default, shall be divided amongst all male beneficiaries equally with the exception of the settlor.

Clause 8 provides:
In the event of the failure of the trusts set out in clauses 6 and 7 the fund shall be held for charitable purposes, that is, to be applied for scholarships for the sons of persons who have both been pupils of Melbourne Church of England Grammar School and also resident students of Trinity College, Parkville, Victoria.

A declaration "that none of the assets of the ... Trust ... forms part of the property of either or both of Dr Spry and Mrs Spry for the purposes of ss 4, 75 or 79 of the [Act] or financial resources of either or both of Dr Spry and Mrs Spry for the purposes of ss 75 or 79".

"Family Law in Australia: Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Family Law Act", July 1980, vol 1, p 97 §5.117.

[1968] AC 553 ; [1968] 1 All ER 121 (Gartside).

Gartside at AC 617-18; All ER 134. See [74] above.

Gartside at AC 618; All ER 134.

Gartside at AC 607; All ER 128.

And also citing Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Ramsden ( 2005) 58 ATR 485 ; [2005] FCAFC 39 at [35] to the same effect.

[1981] AC 753 at 775 ; [1980] 2 All ER 479 at 487; see also at AC 786; All ER 495 per Lord Keith of Kinkel.

Gartside at AC 617; All ER 134 per Lord Wilberforce (Lord Hodson concurring).

See above at [151] and below at [166]-[167].

Glenn v Federal Cmr of Land Tax ( 1915) 20 CLR 490 at 497 ; 21 ALR 465 ; [1915] HCA 57 (Glenn) per Griffith CJ.

See [156] above.

Re Brooks' Settlement Trusts; Lloyds Bank Ltd v Tillard [ 1939] Ch 993 (Re Brooks' Settlement Trusts).

Schmidt v Rosewood Trust Ltd [ 2003] 2 AC 709 ; [2003] 3 All ER 76 at [40]-[41], [51] and [66 ] (Schmidt). By analogy with the position in relation to expectancies (Re Ellenborough, Towry Law v Burne [ 1903] 1 Ch 697 at 700), assignment for value may be possible (Re Coleman; Henry v Strong ( 1888) 39 Ch D 443 at 447), although G Thomas and A Hudson , The Law of Trusts, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, para [7.34] questioned this unless the trust instrument expressly authorises the trustee to pay an assignee.

R & I Bank of Western Australia Ltd v Anchorage Investments Pty Ltd ( 1993) 10 WAR 59 at 79-80.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Carey (No 6) ( 2006) 153 FCR 509 ; 233 ALR 475 ; 58 ACSR 141 ; [2006] FCA 814.

Gartside at AC 617; All ER 134 per Lord Wilberforce (Lord Hodson concurring).

Commissioner of Stamp Duties (Qld) v Livingston ( 1964) 112 CLR 12 ; [1965] ALR 803 ; [1965] AC 694 (Livingston).

Re Leigh's Will Trusts [ 1970] Ch 277.

Re Maye [ 2008] 1 WLR 315 at [16 ] (Maye).


Mayeat [16].

Mayeat [17].

Schmidt at [40]-[41], [51] and [66].

[1965] AC 1175 at 1247-8 ; [1965] 2 All ER 472 at 494.

Re Toohey; Ex parte Meneling Station Pty Ltd ( 1982) 158 CLR 327 at 342 ; 44 ALR 63 at 74 ; [1982] HCA 69 (Toohey); Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth (No 2) ( 1992) 177 CLR 106 at 165 ; 108 ALR 577 at 615 ; [1992] HCA 45 (Australian Capital Television).

Toohey at CLR 342-3; ALR 75; approved in Australian Capital Television at CLR 165-6; ALR 615.

Gartside at AC 605; All ER 127 per Lord Reid (Lords Morris of Borth-y-Gest and Guest concurring).

See [160]-[163] above.

The meaning of "discretionary trust" can be protean. In Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Vegners ( 1989) 90 ALR 547 at 552 Gummow J said that "the usage of the term ... is essentially descriptive rather than normative. The meaning of the term is primarily a matter of usage, not doctrine". This approach was adopted in Chief Commissioner of Stamp Duties (NSW) v Buckle ( 1998) 192 CLR 226 ; 151 ALR 1 ; [1998] HCA 4 at [8]. However, to describe the provisions contained in the trust as a "discretionary trust" is a standard usage.

See above at [155].

In them the wife contended that the Full Court's judgment should be affirmed but on the ground that it "failed to decide ... that ... the assets in the Trust were property, within the meaning of the law, to which the husband was owner and entitled in possession, with no other person having a vested interest in the corpus or income of the Trust".

Glenn at CLR 497.

Glenn at CLR 498.

See [156], [161] and [165] above.

[1939] Ch 993.

Re Brooks' Settlement Trusts at 997-8.

Re Brooks' Settlement Trusts at 997.

Re Brooks' Settlement Trusts at 996-7, quoting from G Farwell , A Concise Treatise on Powers, 3rd ed, Stevens & Sons, London, 1916, pp 310-11.

Farwell, 1916, p 310.

E Sugden , A Practical Treatise on Powers, 8th ed, S Sweet, London, 1861, p 453.

Thomas and Hudson, 2004, paras [7.28]-[7.29] (especially text accompanying notes 104 and 105).

Glenn at CLR 497, discussing C Fearne , An Essay on the Learning of Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises, 10th ed, Watts and Rice, Dublin 1844, vol 1, p 2, note (a).

Glenn at CLR 497.

See below at [186].

(1981) 148 CLR 337 at 354-5 ; 33 ALR 631 at 644 ; 6 Fam LR 591 at 601-2 ; [1981] HCA 1 (Stephen, Aickin and Wilson JJ agreeing).

There was no allegation of sham, and no employment of any puppet company, in the present case.

Thus in Tatham v Huxtable ( 1950) 81 CLR 639 at 646-7 ; [1951] ALR 1 at 4 ; [1950] HCA 56 (Tatham) Latham CJ quoted words to that effect from T Jarman , Jarman on Wills, 7th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1930, vol 1, p 458. See also the authorities referred to by Kitto J at CLR 654; ALR 9, and Re Beatty (dec'd) [ 1990] 1 WLR 1503 at 1507 ; [1990] 3 All ER 844 at 847-8.

(1886) 17 QBD 521 at 531-2.

O'Grady v Wilmot [ 1916] 2 AC 231 at 270.

Tremayne v Rashleigh [ 1908] 1 Ch 681.

Tatham at CLR 654; ALR 9 per Kitto J (emphasis added).

Grey v FCT ( 1939) 62 CLR 49 at 63 ; [1940] ALR 40 at 45-6 ; [1939] HCA 14 per Dixon J (emphasis added).

Muir (or Williams) v Muir [ 1943] AC 468 at 483 per Lord Romer (emphasis added).

Section 85A(1) provides:
(1) The court may, in proceedings under this Act, make such order as the court considers just and equitable with respect to the application, for the benefit of all or any of the parties to, and the children of, the marriage, of the whole or part of property dealt with by ante-nuptial or post-nuptial settlements made in relation to the marriage.

Suttor v Gundowda Pty Ltd ( 1950) 81 CLR 418 at 438 ; [1950] HCA 35 (Suttor).

(1950) 81 CLR 418 ; [1950] HCA 35.

Brooks v Brooks [ 1996] AC 375 at 392 ; [1995] 3 All ER 257 at 263-4.

Joss v Joss [ 1943] P 18 at 20 ; [1943] 1 All ER 102 at 103-4 per Henn Collins J.

In the Marriage of Knight ( 1987) 11 Fam LR 890 at 894-5 ; 90 FLR 313 at 318 per Nygh J.

The decision of the primary judge was not reported: [2005] FamCA 1181. The decision of the Full Court was reported, in altered form, under the name of Stephens v Stephens ( 2007) 38 Fam LR 149 ; 212 FLR 362 ; [2007] FamCA 680 (Stephens).

The Full Court records an error in calculation which is not presently material: see Stephens at [306] per Warnick J.

Pursuant to s 106B of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (the Act).

See s 79(2) of the Act.

Section 75(2)(b) of the Act.


Stephens at [313] per Warnick J, [3] per Bryant CJ agreeing.

Stephens at [371].

Stephens at [27].

Stephens at [128].

Stephens at [131].

Stephens at [135].

Stephens at [137] referring to In the Marriage of Ashton ( 1986) 11 Fam LR 457 ; [1986] FLC 91-777 ; Stein v Stein ( 1986) 1 Fam LR 353 ; FLC 91-779 ; In the Marriage of Davidson (No 2) ( 1990) 14 Fam LR 817 ; 101 FLR 373 ; In the Marriage of Goodwin ( 1990) 14 Fam LR 801 ; 101 FLR 386 ; Webster v Webster ( 1998) 24 Fam LR 198 ; FLC 92-832 ; [1998] FamCA 1517 ; JEL v DDF (No 2) ( 2001) 28 Fam LR 119 ; FLC 93-083 ; [2001] FamCA 907 ; Milankov v Milankov ( 2002) 28 Fam LR 514 ; FLC 93-095 ; [2002] FamCA 195.

Stephens at [141].

Stephens at [140].

Compare s 68(4) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 (Cth).

Section 39(1)(a) of the Act.

Section 39(1A) of the Act.

Section 4(1) of the Act.

Section 79(5) of the Act.

[1901] P 20 (Dormer).

Dormerat 33 per Vaughan Williams LJ.

[1943] P 7 ; [1942] 2 All ER 471 (Jacobs), which dealt with the corresponding provision in the Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925 (UK) (s 192).

Jacobs at P 11; All ER 475 per Goddard LJ, du Parcq LJ agreeing.

[2004] Fam 141 (C v C ( Fam D)); affirmed on appeal in [2005] Fam 250 (C v C ( CA)).

Under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (UK).

C v C ( Fam D) at [24] per Wilson J; see also Radziej v Radziej [ 1967] 1 WLR 659 ; [1967] 1 All ER 944.

"Family Law in Australia: Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Family Law Act", July 1980, vol 1.

"Family Law in Australia: Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Family Law Act", July 1980, vol 1, §§ 5.117-5.123.

See Brooks v Brooks [ 1996] AC 375 at 391 and 392 ; [1995] 3 All ER 257 at 263 and 264 (Brooks) per Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead.

Halsbury's Laws of England, 3rd ed, vol 34, p 428.

Micklethwait v Micklethwait ( 1858) 4 CB (NS) 790 ; 140 ER 1302.

Brooks at AC 391; All ER 263.

Prinsep v Prinsep [ 1929] P 225 at 232 (Prinsep) per Hill J.

Brooks at AC 391; All ER 263.

See C v C ( CA) at [44] and [53 ]; C v C ( Fam D) at [20]-[22].

Section 5 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1859 (UK).

Brooks at AC 392; All ER 263.

Brooks at AC 392; All ER 263 per Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead.

Bosworthick v Bosworthick [ 1927] P 64 ; Prescott (formerly Fellowes) v Fellowes [ 1958] P 260 at 281-2 ; [1958] 3 All ER 55 at 62-3 ; C v C ( CA) at [46]-[47].

(1960) 106 CLR 170 ; [1960] Qd R 578 ; [1961] ALR 196 ; [1960] HCA 79 (Dewar).

Dewar at CLR 174; Qd R 583; ALR 198-9.

Section 9 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1875 (Qld), which is in terms similar to the English provision.

Dewar at CLR 174; Qd R 583; ALR 198-9 per Dixon CJ, Kitto and Menzies JJ.

Dewar at CLR 174; Qd R 583; ALR 198-9.

Whisprun Pty Ltd v Dixon ( 2003) 200 ALR 447 ; 77 ALJR 1598 ; [2003] HCA 48 at [51 ] (Whisprun) per Gleeson CJ, McHugh and Gummow JJ.

Water Board v Moustakas ( 1988) 180 CLR 491 at 497 ; 77 ALR 193 at 197 ; [1988] HCA 12 (Moustakas); Owners of " Shin Kobe Maru " v Empire Shipping Co Inc ( 1994) 68 ALJR 311 at 313 ; [1994] HCA 5, referred to in Owners of " Shin Kobe Maru " v Empire Shipping Co Inc ( 1994) 181 CLR 404 at 415 ; 125 ALR 1 at 5 ; [1994] HCA 54 ; Suvaal v Cessnock City Council ( 2003) 200 ALR 1 ; 77 ALJR 1449 ; 38 MVR 289 ; [2003] HCA 41 at [105 ]; Whisprun at [52].

Hargreaves v Hargreaves [ 1926] P 42 ; Melvill v Melvill and Woodward [ 1930] P 159.

[1943] P 18 ; [1943] 1 All ER 102 (Joss).

Joss at P 20;All ER 103-4 per Henn Collins J.

Which did not appear in s 86(2) of the 1959 Act, as earlier mentioned.

See Lansell v Lansell ( 1964) 110 CLR 353 at 359 and 361-2 ; [1965] ALR 153 at 156 and 157-9 ; [1964] HCA 42 per Kitto J, CLR 367; ALR 161-2 per Taylor J (in connection with s 86(1) of the 1959 Act).

See, for example , Fountain v Alexander ( 1982) 150 CLR 615 at 629 ; 40 ALR 441 at 450 ; 8 Fam LR 67 at 74 ; [1982] HCA 16 per Mason J ; Perlman v Perlman ( 1984) 155 CLR 474 at 484 ; 51 ALR 317 at 321 ; 9 Fam LR 413 at 416 ; [1984] HCA 4 (Perlman) per Gibbs CJ, CLR 489; ALR 325-6; Fam LR 420 per Mason J ; PMT Partners Pty Ltd (in liq) v Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service ( 1995) 184 CLR 301 at 330 and 331 ; 131 ALR 377 at 398 and 399 ; [1995] HCA 36 (PMT Partners) per Toohey and Gummow JJ.

PMT Partners at CLR 330-1; ALR 398-9.

PerlmanCLR 484; ALR 321; Fam LR 416.

Dewar; Brooks; Project Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority ( 1998) 194 CLR 355 ; 153 ALR 490 ; [1998] HCA 28 at [69 ] (Project Blue Sky) per McHugh, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ.

Project Blue Skyat [69] per McHugh, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ.

CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd ( 1997) 187 CLR 384 at 408 ; 141 ALR 618 at 634-5 ; [1997] HCA 2.

P Toose, R Watson and D Benjafield , Australian Divorce Law and Practice, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1968, p 521 [761].

[1966] ALR 257 ; (1965) 7 FLR 321 (Smee).

Smee at ALR 261-2; FLR 326.

Smee at ALR 262; FLR 327.

And see s 75(2)(j) of the Act in connection with orders for maintenance.

Section 79(4)(a) and (b) of the Act.

Section 79(2) of the Act.

Sections 4 and 5 of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act 1970 (UK); ss 24 and 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (UK).

Section 5(1)(f) of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act 1970; s 25(1)(f) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.

Wachtel v Wachtel [ 1973] Fam 72 at 77 per Ormrod J.

And see P Parkinson, "The Yardstick of Equality: Assessing Contributions in Australia and England", (2005) 19 IJLPF 163.

Project Blue Skyat [70] per McHugh, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ.

Dewar at CLR 174; Qd R 583; ALR 198-9 per Dixon CJ, Kitto and Menzies JJ.

Project Blue Sky at [70] per McHugh, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ.

See Atwill v Cmr of Stamp Duties ( 1970) 72 SR (NSW) 415 at 426 per Mason JA, reversed in Atwill v Cmr of Stamp Duties (NSW) ( 1971) 125 CLR 203 ; [1971] HCA 63, but not on this point; reversed Commissioner of Stamp Duties (NSW) v Atwill ( 1972) 126 CLR 665 ; [1973] AC 558 ; [1972-73] ALR 977.

Baldwin v Cmr of Inland Revenue (NZ) [ 1965] NZLR 1 at 6 per Macarthur J, referring to Underhill's Law relating to Trusts and Trustees, 11th ed, Butterworths, London, 1959, p 3; applied in Tucker v Cmr of Inland Revenue [ 1965] NZLR 1027 at 1030 per Woodhouse J.

Moustakas at CLR 497-8; ALR 197 per Mason CJ, Wilson, Brennan and Dawson JJ.

(2008) 249 ALR 602 ; 82 ALJR 1505 ; [2008] HCA 48 at [66].

Suttor v Gundowda Pty Ltd ( 1950) 81 CLR 418 at 438 ; [1950] HCA 35 per Latham CJ, Williams and Fullagar JJ.

Section 85A(2) of the Act.

Part VIIIAA of the Act, which deals with orders binding third parties, did not apply to these proceedings.

(1981) 148 CLR 337 ; 33 ALR 631 ; 6 Fam LR 591 ; [1981] HCA 1 (Ascot Investments).

Ascot Investments at CLR 343; ALR 634; Fam LR 594 per Barwick CJ, CLR 354; ALR 643-4; Fam LR 601-2 per Gibbs J.

Ascot Investments at CLR 343; ALR 634; Fam LR 594 per Barwick CJ, CLR 354; ALR 643-4; Fam LR 601-2 per Gibbs J.

Blood v Blood [ 1902] P 78.
