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House of Representatives

Nation-Building Funds (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008

Explanatory Memorandum

Circulated By Authority of the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, the Honourable Lindsay Tanner Mp


The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this explanatory memorandum.

Abbreviation/acronym Definition
Act Nation-building Funds (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 as passed by the Parliament
Agency Future Fund Management Agency
BAF Building Australia Fund
Bill Nation-building Funds (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008
COAG Council of Australian Governments
Consumer Protection Act Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999
Corporations Act Corporations Act 2001
EIF Education Investment Fund
Funds BAF, EIF and HHF
Future Fund Act Future Fund Act 2006
Future Fund Board Future Fund Board of Guardians
HEEF Act Higher Education Endowment Fund Act 2007
HEEF Higher Education Endowment Fund
HHF Health and Hospitals Fund
ITAA Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

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