House of Representatives

Healthcare Identifiers Bill 2010

Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010

Healthcare Identifiers (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2010

Replacement Explanatory Memorandum

Circulated By the Authority of the Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon. Nicola Roxon MP

This Memorandum replaces the Explanatory Memorandum presented to the House of Representatives on 10 February 2010

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia's Health 2002, as quoted in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 94.

Karl A Stroetmann KA, Jones T, Dobrev A, Stoetmann VN, 'An Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Ten European E-Health Applications', 2007, as quoted in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 93.


Australian Audit Commission, For Your Information Canberra, 1995, as quoted in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 93.

G J Elwyn and N C H Stott, 'Avoidable Referrals? Analysis of 170 consecutive referrals to secondary care,' BMJ 309, 3 September 1994, as quoted in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 93.

Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 93.

Australian Audit Commission, For Your Information Canberra, 1995, as quoted in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 93.

G J Elwyn and N C H Stott, 'Avoidable Referrals? Analysis of 170 consecutive referrals to secondary care,' British Medical Journal 309, 3 September 1994, as quoted in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 93.

References cited in Deloitte, National E-Health Strategy, 2008, page 94.

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