LI 2022/26

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

I, Ben Kelly, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, make this determination under subsection 40-100(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997).

1. Name of instrument

This determination is the Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Amendment Determination (No 1) 2022.

2. Commencement

This instrument commences on 1 July 2022.

3. Amendment of Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Determination 2015

Schedule 1 amends the Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Determination 2015 - F2015L00798 registered on 11 June 2015.

4. Determination

The amendments in this determination may affect:

taxpayers who choose, under paragraph 40-95(1)(a) of the ITAA 1997, to use an effective life determined by the Commissioner for a depreciating asset when working out its decline in value, and
taxpayers who are directed, under subsections 40-95(4C),40-95(5C), 40-95(6), 58-75(5) and 58-80(6) of the ITAA 1997, to use an effective life determined by the Commissioner.

5. Definitions

An asterisk (*) in the third column of Tables A and B indicates the corresponding assets have been reviewed to date as part of the ongoing review of the Commissioner's effective life determinations.

A hash (#) in the third column of Table A or B indicates a capped life is available for the depreciating assets under section 40-102 of the ITAA 1997.

Schedule 1 Amendments

(section 3)

[1] Heading to Table A

Table A as at 1 July 2022

Table A as at 1 July 2022

[2] Table A, industry category AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING (01110 to 05290)


Fences (excluding stockyard, pen and portable fences): Being fencing constructed at a time for a particular function (eg a line of fencing forming a side of a boundary or paddock) not being in the nature of a repair:


Fences (excluding stockyard, pen and portable fences): Being fencing constructed at a time for a particular function (e.g. a line of fencing forming a side of a boundary or paddock) not being in the nature of a repair:

[3] Table A, industry category AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING (01110 to 05290) , sub-category Vegetable growing (outdoors) and sugar cane growing (01230 and 01510)


    Rakes (eg cane trash rakes) 10   *   1 Jul 2007


    Rakes (e.g. cane trash rakes) 10   *   1 Jul 2007

[4] Table A, industry category AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING (01110 to 05290) , sub-category Fruit and tree nut growing (01310 to 01370, 01390 and 01590)


                Pick ups (eg almonds) 12   *#   1 Jul 2007


                Pick ups (e.g. almonds) 12   *#   1 Jul 2007

[5] Table A, industry category MINING (06000 to 10900) , sub-category Oil and gas extraction (07000) Gas compression and reinjection assets


            Generally (including piping, skid, vessels assets used onshore) 30   *#   1 Jul 2002


            Generally (including piping, skid, vessels and assets used onshore) 30   *#   1 Jul 2002

[6] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Prepared animal and bird feed manufacturing (11920)


        Canning and tray assets including closers and fillers 10   *   1 Jul 2013


        Canning and tray assets (including closers and fillers) 10   *   1 Jul 2013

[7] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Prepared animal and bird feed manufacturing (11920) , Prepared animal and bird feed manufacturing assets generally


        Storage bins 20   *   1 Jul 2012


    Salt manufacturing and refining assets - see Table A Basic inorganic chemical manufacturing (18130)

[8] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Other food product manufacturing n.e.c. (11990) , Peanut processing assets


    Refrigeration units 20   *   1 Jul 2009


    Salt manufacturing and refining assets - see Table A Basic inorganic chemical manufacturing (18130)

[9] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Clothing manufacturing (13510)


Clothing manufacturing
Clothing and millinery manufacturing plant:
    General plant 20 1 Jan 2001
    Hat manufacturing plant and machinery 13 ⅓ 1 Jan 2001
    Sewing machines 10   *   1 Jul 2014


Clothing manufacturing
Air compressors 10   *   1 Jul 2022
Cutting machines and tables 20   *   1 Jul 2022
Dyeing machines 10   *   1 Jul 2022
Fusing machines and presses 8   *   1 Jul 2022
Gas boilers (steam) 15   *   1 Jul 2022
Hat pressing machines 20   *   1 Jul 2022
Lights - portable 5   *   1 Jul 2022
Plotters and printers 8   *   1 Jul 2022
Pressing equipment (including ironing tables and steam boilers) 10   *   1 Jul 2022
Sewing machines:
    Banding 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Button sewer, clip attaching 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Embroidery - single and multi-head 12   *   1 Jul 2022
    General (including bar tack, binding, feed off the arm, single folder, two-needle, underwire) 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    High speed industrial 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Millinery 20   *   1 Jul 2022
    Overlocker 15   *   1 Jul 2022
Steamers 2   *   1 Jul 2022
Stud setting machines 20   *   1 Jul 2022

[10] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Footwear manufacturing (13520)


Footwear manufacturing


Footwear manufacturing

[11] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Basic inorganic chemical manufacturing (18130)


Salt manufacturing and refining plant 10 1 Jan 2001


Salt manufacturing and refining assets:
    Air compressors - see Table B Air compression assets: Air compression assets generally (including air compressors, air dryers and air receivers)
    Augers 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Automated packing machines 20   *   1 Jul 2022
    Bagging machines 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Bag sewers - see Table B Packaging machines: Bag sewers
    Bag stackers 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Belt weighers 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Blow moulders 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Bucket elevators 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Centrifuges 12   *   1 Jul 2022
    Conveyors 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Crushers 25   *   1 Jul 2022
    Cyclones 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Dust extraction systems 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Forklifts - see Table B Forklifts
    Kilns 20   *   1 Jul 2022
    Labelling machines (including date printers) 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Metal detectors 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Motor control centres 20   *   1 Jul 2022
    Net weighers 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Pallet wrappers - see Table B Packaging machines: Wrapping machines (including pallet wrappers, shrink wrappers, stretch wrappers and strapping machines)
    Platform scales 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Ribbon mixers 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Roller mills 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Rotary valves 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Salt flake growing tanks 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Salt hoppers 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Sizing screen machines 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Slurry lines 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Wash plant pumps 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Wash plants (removable) 20   *   1 Jul 2022
    Weigh feeders 10   *   1 Jul 2022

[12] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Iron smelting and steel manufacturing (21100)


    CCTV system 3   *   1 Jul 2010


    CCTV systems 3   *   1 Jul 2010

[13] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Non-ferrous metal casting (21410)


Metal casting assets (non-ferrous eg aluminium, brass and magnesium):


Metal casting assets (non-ferrous e.g. aluminium, brass and magnesium):

[14] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Motor vehicle manufacturing (23110) Motor vehicle manufacturing plant (not listed elsewhere)


    Tooling (ie jigs, dies, press tools and specialty attachments such as working heads and work-holding tools) 3 1 Jan 2001


    Tooling (i.e. jigs, dies, press tools and specialty attachments such as working heads and work-holding tools) 3 1 Jan 2001

[15] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Other transport equipment manufacturing n.e.c. (23990)


Motor cycle building plant 10 1 Jan 2001


Motorcycle building plant 10 1 Jan 2001

[16] Table A, industry category MANUFACTURING (11110 to 25990) , sub-category Wooden furniture and upholstered seat manufacturing (25110)


Wooden furniture and upholstered seat manufacturing
Furniture-making plant 13 ⅓ 1 Jan 2001


Wooden furniture and upholstered seat manufacturing
Dust management assets:
    Portable dust extractors 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Portable wet and dry vacuum cleaners 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Stationary dust collection systems (incorporating bags, motors, pipes etc) 12   *   1 Jul 2022
Spray booth assets:
    Full face air fed masks 3   *   1 Jul 2022
    Paint pumps 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Spray booths 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Spray guns 3   *   1 Jul 2022
Support assets:
    Air compression assets - see Table B Air compression assets
    Air compressors (portable) - see Table B Air compressors (portable)
    Forklifts - see Table B Forklifts
    Racks 15   *   1 Jul 2022
    Trolleys (carts) 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Vacuum lifters 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Work benches and tables 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Benchtop power tools (including biscuit/domino joiners, drill presses, jigsaws, laminate trimmers, mortisers, planners, routers, spindle sanders etc but excluding saws) 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Clamps 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Hand held power tools (including air, battery, and electric) - see Table B Power tools, hand tools
    Hand tools (manual operated) - see Table B Hand tools (manual operated)
    Sawing machines:
        Band saws 8   *   1 Jul 2022
        Circular saws 8   *   1 Jul 2022
        Mitre saws (drop saws) 7   *   1 Jul 2022
        Panel saws 8   *   1 Jul 2022
        Table saws 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Stationary machines:
        Computer numerical control (CNC) machines (including CNC routers) 10   *   1 Jul 2022
        Edge banders 8   *   1 Jul 2022
        Pedestal drills (drill presses) 10   *   1 Jul 2022
        Sanders (including belt sanders, drum sanders, edge sanders, spindle sanders etc) 12   *   1 Jul 2022
        Spindle moulders 10   *   1 Jul 2022
        Thicknessers/Buzzers 15   *   1 Jul 2022
Upholstery assets:
    CNC fabric cutters 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Hand fabric cutters 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Sewing machines 10   *   1 Jul 2022

[17] Table A, industry category RETAIL TRADE (39110 to 43209)


Overhead track scales (including meat rail scales) 10   *   1 Jul 2005


Plastic safety screens (including sneeze guards) 2   *   1 Jul 2022

[18] Table A, industry category RETAIL TRADE (39110 to 43209) , sub-category Motor vehicle tyre or tube retailing (39220)


    Air receivers 10   *   1 Jul 2011
    Air driers and dehumidifiers 10   *   1 Jul 2011


    Air driers and dehumidifiers 10   *   1 Jul 2011
    Air receivers 10   *   1 Jul 2011

[19] Table A, industry category ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICES (44000 to 45302) , sub-category Cafes, restaurants, takeaway food services, pubs, taverns, bars and clubs (hospitality) (45110 to 45302)


Menu boards 5   *   1 Jul 2005
Poker/gaming machines 7   *   1 Jul 2009


Menu boards 5   *   1 Jul 2005
Plastic safety screens (including sneeze guards) 2   *   1 Jul 2022
Poker/gaming assets - see Table A Casino operations (92010)

[20] Table A, industry category TRANSPORT, POSTAL AND WAREHOUSING (46100 to 53090) , sub-category Road transport (46100 to 46239)


        Hire cars:
            Cars used to provide basic service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services (eg uberX) 8   *   1 Jul 2016
            Generally (including cars used to provide premium service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services eg UberBLACK) 6   *   1 Jul 2016


        Hire cars:
            Cars used to provide basic service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services (e.g. uberX) 8   *   1 Jul 2016
            Generally (including cars used to provide premium service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services e.g. UberBLACK) 6   *   1 Jul 2016

[21] Table A, industry category INFORMATION MEDIA AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (54110 to 60200) , sub-category Telecommunications services (58010 to 58090)


    Microwave radio system (including modulator, demodulator, receiver, transmitter, monitoring/supervisory system, RF filter)


    Microwave radio system (including modulator, demodulator, receiver, transmitter, monitoring/supervisory system, RF filter):

[22] Table A, industry category RENTAL, HIRING AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES (66110 to 67200) , sub-category Rental and hiring services (except real estate) (66110 to 66400)


Portable structures (sheds, site office trailers, portable toilets and washrooms etc) used for a temporary period in offsite locations (eg construction sites) 10   *   1 Jul 2014


Portable structures (sheds, site office trailers, portable toilets and washrooms etc) used for a temporary period in offsite locations (e.g. construction sites) 10   *   1 Jul 2014

[23] Table A, industry category RENTAL, HIRING AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES (66110 to 67200) , sub-category Residential property operators (67110) , Outdoor assets


    Roller blinds


    Roller blinds:

[24] Table A, industry category RENTAL, HIRING AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES (66110 to 67200) , sub-category Residential property operators (67110) , Security and monitoring assets, Security systems


        Global System for Mobiles (GSM) Units 5   *   1 Jul 2004


        Global System for Mobiles (GSM) units 5   *   1 Jul 2004

[25] Table A, industry category HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE (84010 to 87900) , sub-category Retirement village and accommodation for the aged operation (86011 to 86012)





[26] Table A, industry category HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE (84010 to 87900) , sub-category Retirement village and accommodation for the aged operation (86011 to 86012)


        Ceiling (incorporating tracks) 12   *   1 Jul 2019
        Mobile (floor, full, standing) 10   *   1 Jul 2019
    Lifting slings 2   *   1 Jul 2019


        Ceiling (incorporating tracks) 12   *   1 Jul 2019
        Mobile (floor, full, standing) 10   *   1 Jul 2019
    Lifting slings 2   *   1 Jul 2019

[27] Table A, industry category ARTS AND RECREATION SERVICES (89100 to 92099) , sub-category Creative and performing arts activities (90010 to 90030)


Theatre equipment:
    Accessories (theatrical - wigs, costumes etc) 5 1 Jan 2001
Performing dogs - see Table B Working dogs


Performing dogs - see Table B Working dogs
Theatre equipment:
    Accessories (theatrical - wigs, costumes etc) 5 1 Jan 2001

[28] Table A, industry category ARTS AND RECREATION SERVICES (89100 to 92099) , sub-category Gambling activities (92010 to 92099)


Poker/gaming machines 7   *   1 Jul 2009


Poker/gaming assets - see Table A Casino operations (92010)

[29] Table A, industry category ARTS AND RECREATION SERVICES (89100 to 92099) , sub-category Gambling activities (92010 to 92099)


    Ancillary equipment (eg ticket issuing machines) 13 ⅓ 1 Jan 2001


    Ancillary equipment (e.g. ticket issuing machines) 13 ⅓ 1 Jan 2001

[30] Table A, industry category ARTS AND RECREATION SERVICES (89100 to 92099) , after sub-category Gambling activities (92010 to 92099)


Casino operations
Carpets 8   *   1 Jul 2022
Count and cage assets:
    Coin scales 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Counterfeit detectors 8   *   1 Jul 2022
    Note counters/sorters/verifiers 6   *   1 Jul 2022
    Trolleys 10   *   1 Jul 2022
Electronic table games (including keno games, poker games, rapid games) 6   *   1 Jul 2022
Entertainment assets:
    Audio (including amplifiers, microphones, speakers, processors) 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Visual (including televisions, DVD players) 5   *   1 Jul 2022
Gaming signage (including digital displays, jackpot displays, LED/LCD video walls and partitions) 5   *   1 Jul 2022
Gaming stools and chairs 5   *   1 Jul 2022
Gaming tables (including blackjack, poker, roulette) 7   *   1 Jul 2022
Poker/gaming machines 6   *   1 Jul 2022
Poker/gaming machines system hardware (used for monitoring) 6   *   1 Jul 2022
Security and monitoring assets - see Table B Security and monitoring assets
Table game equipment:
    Big wheels 7   *   1 Jul 2022
    Card shufflers 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Chippers 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Chips and plaques 10   *   1 Jul 2022
    Dealer handset devices 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Display screens 5   *   1 Jul 2022
    Roulette wheels 7   *   1 Jul 2022
    Shoes (electronic type) 5   *   1 Jul 2022

[31] Heading to Table B

Table B as at 1 July 2021

Table B as at 1 July 2022

[32] Table B, items beginning with A


    Other accommodation units (eg manufactured homes) 30   *   1 Jul 2015


    Other accommodation units (e.g. manufactured homes) 30   *   1 Jul 2015

[33] Table B, items beginning with E




Electric bicycles (e-bicycles and e-bikes) 4   *   1 July 2022
Electric scooters (e-scooters) 2   *   1 July 2022

[34] Table B, items beginning with M


        Hire cars:
            Cars used to provide basic service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services (eg uberX) 8   *   1 Jul 2016
            Generally (including cars used to provide premium service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services eg UberBLACK) 6   *   1 Jul 2016


        Hire cars:
            Cars used to provide basic service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services (e.g. uberX) 8   *   1 Jul 2016
            Generally (including cars used to provide premium service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or ride-sharing services e.g. UberBLACK) 6   *   1 Jul 2016

[35] Table B, items beginning with P


Partitions (demountable) 20   *   1 Jul 2005


Plastic safety screens (including sneeze guards) 2   *   1 July 2022

[36] Table B, items beginning with P


Portable structures (sheds, site office trailers, portable toilets and washrooms etc) used for a temporary period in offsite locations (eg construction sites) 15   *   1 Jul 2014


Portable structures (sheds, site office trailers, portable toilets and washrooms etc) used for a temporary period in offsite locations (e.g. construction sites) 15   *   1 Jul 2014

Dated 10 June 2022

Ben Kelly
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation
Policy, Analysis and Legislation
Law Design and Practice

Registration Number: F2022L00823

Registration Date: 24 June 2022

LI 2022/26 - Explanatory statement