STP 2019/3
This legislative instrument is repealed by Taxation Administration - Single Touch Payroll - Spent Instruments Repeal Determination 2022 (F2022L01171)Taxation Administration Act 1953
I, Deborah Anne Jenkins, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, make this instrument under subsection 389-10(1) of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.Legislative Instrument
1. Name of instrument
This is the Taxation Administration - Single Touch Payroll - Exemption for payments made to Members by Portable Long Service Leave and Portable Redundancy Scheme Providers instrument.
2. Commencement
This instrument commences on 1 July 2018 and applies to the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 financial years.
3. Application
This instrument applies to entities that are (or have previously been) employers and which administer a Portable Long Service Leave scheme or Portable Redundancy scheme and make payments to members of the scheme.
4. Determination
An entity which administers a Portable Long Service Leave scheme or Portable Redundancy scheme, and which would otherwise have obligations under section 389-5 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to report in respect of payments made to scheme members, is exempt from those reporting obligations.
5. Definitions
In this determination, the terms 'Portable Long Service Leave scheme' and 'Portable Redundancy scheme' refer to those schemes in which an employee's entitlements to receive payment in respect of long service leave and redundancy (respectively) are accrued over a period of time without reference to a specific employer - although generally each employer will have made contributions into the scheme.
5 March 2019
Deborah Anne Jenkins
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation
Registration Number: F2019L00457
Registration Date: 29 March 2019
Related Explanatory Statements:
STP 2019/3 - Explanatory statement