Crimes Act 1914

Part IAA - Search, information gathering, arrest and related powers (other than powers under delayed notification search warrants)  

Division 3A - Powers in relation to terrorist acts and terrorism offences  

Subdivision CB - Matters relating to post-entry warrants  

SECTION 3UJE   Nominated AAT members  

The Minister administering the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (the AAT Minister ) may, by writing, nominate a person who holds one of the following appointments to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to issue post-entry warrants and perform related functions under this Act:

(a)    Deputy President;

(b)    full-time senior member.

Despite subsection (1) , the AAT Minister must not nominate a person who holds an appointment as a full-time senior member of the Tribunal unless the person:

(a)    is enrolled as a legal practitioner of the High Court, of another federal court or of the Supreme Court of a State or of the Australian Capital Territory; and

(b)    has been so enrolled for not less than 5 years.

A nomination ceases to be in force if:

(a)    the nominated AAT member ceases to hold an appointment described in subsection (1) ; or

(b)    the AAT Minister, by writing, withdraws the nomination.

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