Privacy Act 1988
Commissioner to report on public inquiries
After completing a public inquiry, the Commissioner must prepare a written report on the inquiry and give the report to the Minister.
Requirement to give report to APP entity
If a direction or approval specifies one or more entities under paragraph 33E(3)(c) , the Commissioner must give the entities a copy of the report on the day the Commissioner gives the report to the Minister under subsection (1) of this section.
Contents of report
The report may include findings and recommendations in relation to any matter included in the report.
The report must not: (a) make any finding or recommendation that a specific act or practice is an interference with the privacy of an individual; or (b) include any matter which the Commissioner thinks it is desirable to exclude under section 33 .
For paragraph (a) , the report may include previously made findings or recommendations that specific acts or practices interfere with the privacy of individuals.
Making report public
The Minister must table a copy of the report before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the Minister receives the report.
Unless the Minister otherwise directs, the Commissioner must make the report publicly available.
The Commissioner may, under section 33B , publish other information relating to the inquiry if it is in the public interest to do so.
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