Division 7 - Interpretation of other expressions


58(1)  [Reference in relation to this Law]  

A reference, in relation to this Law, to a corresponding law is a reference to the Corporations Law of another jurisdiction.

58(2)  [Reference in relation to a provision of this Law]  

A reference, in relation to a provision of this Law, to a corresponding law, or a reference to a law corresponding to a provision of this Law, is a reference to the provision of the Corporations Law of another jurisdiction that corresponds to that provision of this Law.

58(3)  [Reference to a corresponding previous law]  

A reference to a corresponding previous law is a reference:

(a)  to a previous law of this jurisdiction that corresponds, in whole or in part, to this Law, to the extent that it so corresponds; and

(b)  except where the contrary intention appears - to a previous law of another jurisdiction that corresponds to a law referred to in paragraph (a).

58(4)  [Reference in relation to a provision of this Law, to corresponding previous law]  

A reference, in relation to a provision of this Law, to a corresponding previous law, or a reference to a previous law corresponding to a provision of this Law, is a reference:

(a)  to a provision of a previous law of this jurisdiction that:

(i) corresponds to that provision of this Law; or
(ii) is declared by the regulations to be a provision that so corresponds; and

(b)  except where the contrary intention appears - to a provision of a previous law of another jurisdiction that corresponds to the provision referred to in paragraph (a).

58(5)  [Reference to lodgment etc, of a prospectus]  

A reference to the lodgment or registration of a prospectus under a corresponding previous law is a reference to the lodgment of a copy of a prospectus with, or the registration of a copy of a prospectus by, as the case may be, the NCSC under:

(a)  a corresponding previous law of this jurisdiction; or

(b)  a law of another jurisdiction that corresponds to that corresponding previous law.

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