Division 2 - Offers that need disclosure to investors


707(1)  Only some sales need disclosure.  

An offer of securities for sale needs disclosure to investors under this Part only if disclosure is required by subsection (2), (3) or (5).

707(2)  Off-market sale by controller.  

An offer of a body's securities for sale needs disclosure to investors under this Part if:

(a)  the person making the offer controls the body; and

(b)  either:

(i) the securities are not quoted; or
(ii) although the securities are quoted, they are not offered for sale in the ordinary course of trading on a stock market of a securities exchange;

and section 708 does not say otherwise.


See section 50AA for when a person controls a body.

707(3)  Sale amounting to indirect issue.  

An offer of a body's securities for sale within 12 months after their issue needs disclosure to investors under this Part if the body issued the securities:

(a)  without disclosure to investors under this Part; and

(b)  with the purpose of the person to whom they were issued:

(i) selling or transferring them; or
(ii) granting, issuing or transferring interests in, or options or warrants over, them;

and section 708 does not say otherwise.

Note 1:

Section 706 normally requires disclosure for the issue of securities. This subsection is intended to prevent avoidance of section 706. However, to establish a contravention of this subsection, the only purpose that needs to be shown is that referred to in paragraph (b).

Note 2: The issuer and the seller must both consent to the disclosure document (see section 720).

707(4)  Evidence of intention - indirect issue.  

Unless the contrary is proved, a body is taken to issue securities with the purpose referred to in paragraph (3)(b) if any of the securities are subsequently sold, or offered for sale, within 12 months after their issue.

707(5)  Sale amounting to indirect off-market sale by controller.  

An offer of a body's securities for sale within 12 months after their sale by a person who controlled the body at the time of the sale needs disclosure to investors under this Part if:

(a)  at the time of the sale by the controller either:

(i) the securities were not quoted; or
(ii) although the securities were quoted, they were not offered for sale in the ordinary course of trading on a stock market of a securities exchange; and

(b)  the controller sold the securities without disclosure to investors under this Part; and

(c)  the controller sold the securities with the purpose of the person to whom they were sold:

(i) selling or transferring them; or
(ii) granting, issuing or transferring interests in, or options or warrants over, them;

and section 708 does not say otherwise.

Note 1:

Subsection (2) normally requires disclosure for a sale by a controller. This subsection is intended to prevent avoidance of subsection (2). However, to establish a contravention of this subsection, the only purpose that needs to be shown is that referred to in paragraph (c).

Note 2: See section 50AA for when a person controls a body.

Note 3: The controller and the seller must both consent to the disclosure document (see section 720).

707(6)  Evidence of intention - indirect sale by controller.  

Unless the contrary is proved, a person who controls a body is taken to sell securities with the purpose referred to in paragraph (5)(c) if any of the securities are subsequently sold, or offered for sale, within 12 months after their sale by the controller.

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