Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 5.3 - Terrorism  

Division 105A - Post-sentence orders  

Subdivision E - Provisions relating to post-sentence order proceedings  

SECTION 105A.13   Civil evidence and procedure rules in relation to post-sentence order proceedings  


A Supreme Court of a State or Territory must, subject to subsection (2) , apply the rules of evidence and procedure for civil matters during a post-sentence order proceeding.

Despite anything in the rules of evidence and procedure, the Court may receive in evidence in the proceeding evidence of:


the level of the offender ' s compliance with any conditions (however described) to which he or she is or has been subject while:

(i) on release on parole for any offence; or

(ii) subject to an extended supervision order, interim supervision order or control order; and

(b)    the offender ' s history of any prior convictions for, and findings of guilt made in relation to, any offence.

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