Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 820 - Thin capitalisation rules  

Subdivision 820-FB - Grouping branches of foreign banks and foreign financial entities with a consolidated group, MEC group or single Australian resident company  

Effect of choice

SECTION 820-610   Choice not to be outward investing entity (ADI) or inward investing entity (ADI)  

This section applies if:

(a)    apart from this section, the *head company or single company would, under section 820-609 , be an *outward investing entity (ADI) or an *inward investing entity (ADI) for the trial period; and

(b)    at all times in the trial period, each of the following entities that is an *ADI is a *specialist credit card institution:

(i) the head company or single company;

(ii) an establishment entity whose *Australian permanent establishments the head company or single company has chosen under section 820-597 or 820-599 to have treated as part of the company for the period.


The *head company or single company is an outward investing financial entity (non-ADI) for the trial period if:

(a)    apart from this section, the company would, under section 820-609 , be an *outward investing entity (ADI) for the trial period; and


the company chooses, before lodging its *income tax return for the income year including the trial period, to be an outward investing financial entity (non-ADI) for that period.


The *head company or single company is an inward investing financial entity (non-ADI) and an inward investment vehicle (financial) for the trial period if:

(a)    apart from this section, the company would, under section 820-609 , be an *inward investing entity (ADI) for the trial period; and


the company chooses, before lodging its *income tax return for the income year including the trial period, to be an inward investing financial entity (non-ADI) and an inward investment vehicle (financial) for that period.

This section has effect despite sections 820-85 , 820-185 and 820-609 .

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