Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 820 - Thin capitalisation rules  

Subdivision 820-B - Thin capitalisation rules for outward investing financial entities (non-ADI)  

Operative provisions

SECTION 820-90   Maximum allowable debt  

Entity is not also an inward investment vehicle (financial)


The entity ' s maximum allowable debt for an income year is the greatest of the following amounts if the entity is not also an *inward investment vehicle (financial) for all or any part of that year:

(a)    the *safe harbour debt amount;

(b) (Repealed by No 23 of 2024)


unless the entity has *worldwide equity of nil or a negative amount - the *worldwide gearing debt amount.

Entity is also an inward investment vehicle (financial)


The entity ' s maximum allowable debt for an income year is the greatest of the following amounts if the entity is also an *inward investment vehicle (financial) for all or any part of that year:

(a)    the *safe harbour debt amount;

(b) (Repealed by No 23 of 2024)

(c)    unless subsection (3) applies to the entity - the *worldwide gearing debt amount.

Inward investment vehicles that are not eligible for the worldwide gearing debt amount


This subsection applies to an entity, if:

(a)    the entity has *statement worldwide equity, or *statement worldwide assets, of nil or a negative amount; or

(b)    *audited consolidated financial statements for the entity for the income year do not exist; or

(c)    the result of applying the following formula is greater than 0.5:

  Average Australian assets of the entity  
  *Statement worldwide assets of the entity for the income year  


average Australian assets
of an entity is the average value, for the statement period mentioned in subsection (4) , of all the assets of the entity, other than:

(a) any assets attributable to the entity ' s *overseas permanent establishments; or

(b) any *debt interests held by the entity, to the extent to which any value of the interests is all or a part of the *controlled foreign entity debt of the entity; or

(c) any *equity interests or debt interests held by the entity, to the extent to which any value of the interests is all or a part of the *controlled foreign entity equity of the entity.


For the purposes of the definition of average Australian assets in subsection (3) the statement period is the period for which the *audited consolidated financial statements for the entity for the income year have been prepared.


For the purposes of the formula in paragraph (3)(c) , if:

(a)    an amount is included in *statement worldwide assets in respect of an asset; and

(b)    the asset was acquired, held or otherwise dealt with by an entity for a purpose (other than an incidental purpose) that included ensuring that subsection (3) does not apply to an entity; and

(c)    as a result of the acquisition, holding or dealing with of the asset, the amount included in statement worldwide assets exceeds the amount (including nil) that would otherwise be so included;

apply the amount of the excess to reduce statement worldwide assets (or statement worldwide assets as reduced by a previous application of this subsection).

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