A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Schedule 1 - Family Tax Benefit Rate Calculator  

Part 2 - Part A rate (Method 1)  

Division 5 - Maintenance income test  

Subdivision A - Maintenance income test  

20C   Working out amounts of child maintenance in relation to lump sum payments  


This clause applies if an individual receives in an income year child maintenance for an FTB child of the individual under:

(a) a child support agreement, containing lump sum payment provisions (within the meaning of paragraph 84(1)(e) of the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 ), to which clause 20B does not apply; or

(b) a court order made under section 123A of that Act; in the form of a lump sum payment that is to be credited under section 69A of the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 against the amount payable under a liability under an administrative assessment.


For the purposes of this Act, the amount of child maintenance that the individual is taken to have received in an income year under the agreement or order for the child for a period is the amount that is credited under section 69A of the Child Support (Registration an Collection) Act 1988 against the amount payable under the liability under the administrative assessment for the child for the period.

The amount worked out under this clause is annualised under clause 20A.


Subclause (2) does not apply in relation to the individual and the child for a period if subclause 20B(2) , (3) or (4) or 20D(2) has applied in relation to the individual and the child for that period.

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