A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Schedule 1 - Family Tax Benefit Rate Calculator  

Part 4 - Part B rate  

Division 2 - Standard rate  

31   Sharing family tax benefit (shared care percentage)  


(a) an individual has a shared care percentage for an FTB child of the individual; and

(b) the child is the individual ' s only FTB child; the individual ' s standard rate is the individual ' s shared care percentage of the standard rate that would otherwise apply.


(a) an individual has a shared care percentage for an FTB child of the individual; and

(b) the child is not the individual ' s only FTB child; the individual ' s standard rate is to be worked out as follows:

(c) for each of the individual ' s FTB children for whom the individual does not have a shared care percentage, work out the rate that would be the individual ' s standard rate under clause 30 if that child were the individual ' s only FTB child;

(d) for each of the individual ' s FTB children for whom the individual has a shared care percentage, work out the rate that would be the individual ' s standard rate under clause 30 if:

(i) that child were the individual ' s only FTB child; and

(ii) subclause (1) of this clause applied to the child;

(e) the individual ' s standard rate is the highest of the rates obtained under paragraphs (c) and (d).

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