A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Schedule 1 - Family Tax Benefit Rate Calculator  

Part 5 - Common provisions  

Division 2AA - Energy supplement (Part A)  

Subdivision B - Energy supplement (Part A - Method 2)  

38AF   Energy supplement (Part A - Method 2)  

The amount of the energy supplement (Part A) to be added in working out an individual ' s Method 2 base rate under clause 25 is the sum of the FTB energy child amounts, worked out under subclause (2) of this clause and clause 38AG , for each FTB child of the individual.


For certain individuals, energy supplement (Part A) is not to be added in working out the Part A rate: see clause 25C .

For the purposes of subclause (1), the FTB energy child amount , for an FTB child of the individual, is $36.50.

This clause does not apply in relation to a day if an election made by the individual under subsection 58A(1) is in force on that day.


If that election is in force on one or more days in a quarter, then the Secretary must review the instalment determination taking into account this Subdivision: see section 105B of the Family Assistance Administration Act.

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