A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Schedule 2 - Amounts of child care subsidy and additional child care subsidy  

Part 4 - Amount of ACCS (child wellbeing) for an approved provider  

10   Activity-tested amount of ACCS for an approved provider  

For the purposes of step 4 of the method statement in clause 8 , the activity-tested amount of ACCS, for the sessions of care identified in step 2 of the method statement, is the amount worked out by:

(a)    for each session of care - multiplying the hourly rate of ACCS for the session by the number of hours in the session up to the balance of the deemed activity test result worked out under subclause (2) in relation to the session; and

(b)    adding the results together.

The balance of the deemed activity test result, in relation to a particular session of care, is the provider ' s deemed activity test result for the child and the service for the CCS fortnight, reduced (but not below zero) by:

(a)    the number of hours (if any) for which the provider is entitled to be paid ACCS for sessions of care provided to the child by the service in the CCS fortnight; and

(b)    the number of hours in any earlier sessions of care identified in step 2 of the method statement.

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