A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


Division 5 - Departure prohibition orders  

Subdivision C - Other rules for departure prohibition orders  

SECTION 102E   Revocation and variation of departure prohibition orders  

The Secretary must revoke a departure prohibition order in respect of a person if:

(a) the person no longer has any debts to the Commonwealth under this Part; or

(b) there are arrangements satisfactory to the Secretary for the one or more debts the person has to the Commonwealth under this Part to be wholly paid; or

(c) the Secretary is satisfied that the one or more debts the person has to the Commonwealth under this Part are completely irrecoverable.

The Secretary may revoke or vary a departure prohibition order in respect of a person if the Secretary considers it desirable to do so.

A revocation or variation, under this section, of a departure prohibition order may be:

(a) on application by the person in a form approved by the Secretary; or

(b) on the Secretary ' s own initiative.

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