A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999



This Part does not apply in relation to any decision of the Secretary under Division 5 of Part 4 (about departure prohibition orders).

Division 1 - Internal review  

Subdivision B - Review initiated by the applicant  

SECTION 109B   Notice to be given of decisions under section 109A  

Decision reviewer to give notice of section 109A decision

The decision reviewer of a decision reviewed under section 109A must give notice of the review decision as set out in this section.

Notice of decisions relating to CCS or ACCS

If a review decision is a decision to affirm, vary or substitute a child care decision in relation to section 67CC that an individual is or is not eligible for CCS for a child by fee reduction, the decision reviewer:

(a) must give written notice of the review decision to the individual; and

(b) may give written notice of the review decision to the provider of any approved child care service at which the child has been enrolled since the determination under section 67CC first took effect.


If a review decision is a decision to affirm, vary or substitute a child care decision in relation to section 67CD (entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS) for an individual in relation to sessions of care, the decision reviewer:

(a) must give written notice of the review decision to the individual; and

(b) if the review decision is a fee reduction decision - must give written notice of the decision and the fee reduction amount for the decision to the provider of the approved child care service that provided the sessions of care; and

(c) if the review decision is not a fee reduction decision - may give written notice of the decision to the provider of the approved child care service that provided the sessions of care.


If the review decision is a fee reduction decision, and the Secretary has decided to pay the fee reduction amount directly to the individual under subsection 67EC(2) , a notice under subsection (2A) of this section must include a statement to that effect.


A notice under subsection (2) or (2A) may be given to a provider by making the notice available to the provider using an electronic interface.

Notice to be given of other review decisions


If a review decision is in respect of any other original decision that may be reviewed under section 109A , other than an original decision referred to in subsection (2) or (2A), the decision reviewer must give the applicant written notice of his or her decision:

(a) to affirm or vary the decision reviewed; or

(b) to set it aside and substitute a new decision.

(Repealed by No 22 of 2017)

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