A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999



This Part does not apply in relation to any decision of the Secretary under Division 5 of Part 4 (about departure prohibition orders).

Division 2 - Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal  

Subdivision G - AAT single review  

SECTION 138   Applications for AAT single review  

Decision of Secretary or authorised review officer




a child care provider decision (other than a decision made under section 197H or 197J ) has been reviewed under section 109A ; and

(b)    the decision has been affirmed, varied or set aside and substituted by the Secretary or authorised review officer under subsection 109A(2) ;

the provider may apply to the AAT for review ( AAT single review ) of the decision of the Secretary or authorised review officer.

For the purposes of subsection (1) , the decision of the Secretary or authorised review officer is taken to be:

(a)    if the Secretary or authorised review officer affirmed a decision - that decision as affirmed; or

(b)    if the Secretary or authorised review officer varied a decision - that decision as varied; or

(c)    if the Secretary or authorised review officer set aside a decision and substituted a new decision - the new decision.

Decision made personally by agency head


If a child care provider decision (other than a decision under section 197H or 197J ) is made by:

(a)    the Secretary personally; or

(b)    another agency head personally in the exercise of a delegated power; or

(c)    the Chief Executive Centrelink in the exercise of a delegated power; or

(d)    the Chief Executive Medicare in the exercise of a delegated power;

the provider may apply to the AAT for review (also an AAT single review ) of the decision.

Meaning of child care provider decision


Each of the following is a child care provider decision :

(a)    a decision under Part 4 (overpayments and debt recovery) in relation to a debt of an approved provider;

(b)    a decision under Part 8 (approval of provider of child care services) in relation to a provider;

(c)    a decision under section 205C (business continuity payments - emergency or disaster).

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