A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


SECTION 224   Notice of decisions  

Decisions about entitlement to family assistance


Notice of a decision of an officer affecting a person ' s eligibility for, or entitlement to be paid, family assistance under the family assistance law is taken, for the purposes of the family assistance law, to have been given to the person if the notice is:

(a) delivered to the person personally; or

(b) left at the address of the place of residence or business of the person last known to the Secretary; or

(c) sent by post to the address of the person last known to the Secretary.

Decisions about approval of providers of child care services


Notice of a decision of an officer under Part 8 is taken to have been given to a provider if the notice is:

(a) left at the address of the place of business of the provider last known to the Secretary; or

(b) sent by post to the address of the provider last known to the Secretary; or

(c) sent by email to the last known email address of the provider; or

(d) sent by other electronic means to the provider.

Service by post

A notice referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is taken to have been sent by post if the notice giver properly addresses, prepays and posts the notice as a letter. Unless the contrary is proved, the notice is taken to have been given to the person to whom it is addressed at the time the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.

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