A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


Division 2 - Amounts recoverable under this Act  

SECTION 72A   Debts arising in respect of additional economic support payment  

This section applies in relation to an individual who has been paid an additional economic support payment 2020 or additional economic support payment 2021 because subsection 123(2) , (3) or (4) of the Family Assistance Act applied to the individual on a day.


(a)    after the payment was paid to the individual, the determination mentioned in that subsection of the Family Assistance Act, at least so far as the determination relates to that day, is or was (however described) changed, revoked, set aside or superseded by another determination; and

(b)    the decision to change, revoke, set aside or supersede the determination is or was made for the reason, or for reasons including the reason, that the individual knowingly made a false or misleading statement, or knowingly provided false information; and

(c)    had the change, revocation, setting aside or superseding occurred on or before that day, the payment would not have been paid;

the amount of the payment is a debt due to the Commonwealth by the individual.

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