A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


Division 2 - Amounts recoverable under this Act  

SECTION 78C   What is the interest charge rate ?  

For the purposes of sections 78 and 78A , the interest charge rate for a day is the rate worked out by adding 7 percentage points to the base interest rate for that day, and dividing that total by the number of days in the calendar year.

The base interest rate for a day depends on which quarter of the year the day is in. For each day in a quarter in column 1 of the table, it is the monthly average yield of 90-day Bank Accepted Bills published by the Reserve Bank of Australia for the month in column 2 of the table.

Base interest rate
Item Column 1
For days in this quarter:
Column 2
the monthly average yield of 90-day Bank Accepted Bills for this month applies:
1 1 January to 31 March the preceding November
2 1 April to 30 June the preceding February
3 1 July to 30 September the preceding May
4 1 October to 31 December the preceding August

If the monthly average yield of 90-day Bank Accepted Bills for a particular month in column 2 of the table in subsection (2) is not published by the Reserve Bank of Australia before the beginning of the relevant quarter, assume that it is the same as the last monthly average yield of 90-day Bank Accepted Bills published by the Reserve Bank of Australia before that month.

The base interest rate must be rounded to the second decimal place (rounding .005 upwards).

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