Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Act 2002 (131 of 2002)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 1   Amendments

Bankruptcy Act 1966

27   At the end of section 54


(5) A bankrupt against whom a sequestration order has been made may, without fee and either personally or by an agent:

(a) inspect the bankrupt's statement of affairs; or

(b) obtain a copy of, or take extracts from, the bankrupt's statement of affairs.

(6) If the approved form for a statement of affairs indicates that particular information in the statement will not be made available to the public, then the Official Receiver must ensure that the information is not made available under this section to any person (other than the bankrupt or an agent of the bankrupt).

(7) The Official Receiver may refuse to allow a person access under this section to particular information in a bankrupt's statement of affairs on the ground that access to that information would jeopardise, or be likely to jeopardise, the safety of any person.