Venture Capital Act 2002


Division 21 - Registration of eligible venture capital investors  

Operative provisions  



An *entity registered under this Part must, within 3 months after the end of each *financial year, give *Industry Innovation and Science Australia a written return that includes the following information:

(a)    the entity ' s residency status at the end of the financial year (including details of changes to that status during the year);

(b)    the address of the entity ' s registered office (including details of changes to that address during the year);

(c)    details of the facts that qualify the entity to be tax exempt in its country of residence;

(d)    details of the facts that qualify the entity as an *eligible venture capital investor;

(e)    details of:

(i) the *eligible venture capital investments the entity made during that year; and

(ii) the eligible venture capital investments that the entity disposed of during that year; and

(iii) the eligible venture capital investments the entity holds at the end of that year; and

(iv) the disposals of eligible venture capital investments during that year including any profits derived or losses incurred from that disposal;

(f)    the industries to which those investments relate;


for each investment in a company that the entity held throughout that year - a statement as to whether the company met the requirements of subsections 118-425(3) , (4) , (4A) and (5) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 at all times during that year;


for each investment in a company that the entity made during that year - a statement as to whether the company met the requirements of subsections 118-425(3) , (4) , (4A) and (5) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 at all times during that year after the investment was made;


for each investment in a company that the entity disposed of during that year - a statement as to whether the company met the requirements of subsections 118-425(3) , (4) , (4A) and (5) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 at all times during that year up to the day of disposal;


for each investment in a unit trust that the entity held throughout that year - a statement as to whether the unit trust met the requirements of subsections 118-427(4) , (5) , (5A) and (6) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 at all times during that year;


for each investment in a unit trust that the entity made during that year - a statement as to whether the unit trust met those requirements at all times during that year after the investment was made;


for each investment in a unit trust that the entity disposed of during that year - a statement as to whether the unit trust met those requirements at all times during that year up to the day of disposal.

Information about a matter that a return must include because of paragraph (1)(a) or (b) is information about that matter as at the end of the financial year.


Part 7.4 of the Criminal Code creates offences for making false and misleading statements, giving false or misleading information and producing false or misleading documents.

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