Venture Capital Act 2002


Division 29 - Review of decisions  

SECTION 29-1  


The following decisions of *Industry Innovation and Science Australia are reviewable under this Part:

(aa)    decisions under section 9-4 refusing to allow a partner ' s *committed capital in a partnership to exceed 30% of the partnership ' s committed capital;

(a)    decisions under subsection 9-10(3) allowing, or refusing to allow, a longer period for the purposes of paragraph 9-10(1)(b) for repayment of a *permitted loan;

(b)    decisions under section 13-1 refusing to register a *limited partnership as a *VCLP, an *ESVCLP or an *AFOF under Part 2 ;

(c)    decisions under section 13-5 refusing to register conditionally a limited partnership as a VCLP, an ESVCLP or an AFOF;

(d)    decisions under section 17-1 , 17-5 or 17-10 revoking a registration under Part 2 ;

(e)    decisions under subsection 17-1(2) determining a period within which *investment registration requirements must be met;

(f)    decisions under section 21-5 refusing to register an entity as an *eligible venture capital investor under Part 3 ;

(g)    decisions under section 21-25 revoking a registration under Part 3 ;

(h)    decisions under section 25-5 determining a shorter period, or refusing to make such a determination; or


decisions under section 25-10 or 25-15 refusing to make a determination;


decisions under subsection 25-15(1A) specifying a period;


decisions under section 362-25 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 making a *private ruling, or decisions refusing to make a private ruling under that section;


decisions under section 362-60 in Schedule 1 to that Act withdrawing a private ruling;

(m)    decisions under subsection 118-432(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 refusing to make a finding about an activity.

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