Legislation Act 2003

Chapter 4 - Miscellaneous  

SECTION 56   Legislative instruments - gazettal and other publication and notification requirements  

Gazettal requirements satisfied by registration

If a primary law requires a legislative instrument made under that law or other enabling legislation, or particulars of the making of the instrument, to be published or notified in the Gazette, the requirement is taken to be satisfied if the instrument is registered as a legislative instrument.

Other publication or notification requirements in addition to registration

Subsection (3) applies if a primary law as enacted or made, or as amended, on or after 1 January 2005 requires a legislative instrument made under that law or other enabling legislation, or particulars of the making of the instrument, to be published or notified otherwise than in the Gazette.


The substantive provisions of this Act commenced on 1 January 2005.

The requirement for publication or notification is taken to be in addition to a requirement under this Act for the legislative instrument to be registered as a legislative instrument.

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