Higher Education Support Act 2003
Section 1-10 describes how asterisks are used to identify terms that are defined in this Act.
SECTION 2 Meanings of CPI index number and WPI index number 2(1)The CPI index number for a *quarter is the All Groups Consumer Price Index number, being the weighted average of the 8 capital cities, published by the *Australian Statistician in respect of that quarter.
The WPI index number for a *quarter is the Wage Price Index (quarterly index/total hourly rates of pay excluding bonuses/Australia/private and public/all industries) number published by the Australian Statistician in respect of that quarter.
Subject to subclause (3) , if, at any time before or after the commencement of this clause: (a) the *Australian Statistician has published or publishes a *CPI index number or a *WPI index number in respect of a *quarter; and (b) that CPI index number or WPI index number is in substitution for a CPI index number or WPI index number previously published by the Australian Statistician in respect of that quarter;
disregard the publication of the later CPI index number or WPI index number for the purposes of this clause.
If, at any time before or after the commencement of this clause, the *Australian Statistician has changed or changes the index reference period for the Consumer Price Index or the Wage Price Index, then, in applying this clause after the change took place or takes place, have regard only to *CPI index numbers or *WPI index numbers, as the case requires, published in terms of the new index reference period.
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