Temporary Residents' Superannuation Legislation Amendment Act 2008 (151 of 2008)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 1   Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999

4   Section 7


The Commissioner of Taxation may publish, or make available, details relating to unclaimed money in respect of members who have reached the eligibility age or who have died.


Superannuation of persons who used to hold temporary visas

The Commissioner of Taxation must give the superannuation provider for a fund a notice identifying a member of the fund if satisfied that the member used to be the holder of a temporary visa, has left Australia and is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or the holder of a visa.

The superannuation provider must give the Commissioner a statement and pay the Commissioner the amount that would be payable to the member if the member had requested payment in connection with leaving Australia (subject to reductions for amounts paid or payable from the fund in respect of the member).

If the Commissioner is satisfied he or she has received a payment under this Act for such a member, the Commissioner must pay the amount he or she has received (and interest, in some cases) to the member, to a fund identified by the member or, if the member has died, to the member's legal personal representative.