Tax Agent Services Act 2009


Division 70 - Miscellaneous  

Subdivision 70-B - Administrative review  

SECTION 70-10  

70-10   Administrative review  

An application may be made to the Administrative Review Tribunal for review of any of the following decisions of the Board:

(a)    a decision under section 20-25 :

(i) to reject an application for registration (including renewal of registration); or

(ii) to specify a condition to which registration is subject;

(b) (Repealed by No 120 of 2013)

(c)    a decision under section 20-40 to refuse to vary a condition to which registration is subject;


a decision under subsection 20-50(1) not to determine another period for making a renewal application;

(e)    a decision under Subdivision 30-B or 40-A to terminate registration;

(f)    a decision under section 30-20 to make an order or to specify a time period in respect of an order;

(g)    a decision under section 30-25 to suspend registration (including a decision as to the length of the suspension);


a decision under Subdivision 40-A not to terminate registration;

(h)    a decision under section 40-25 to determine a period during which an application for registration may not be made;


a decision under subparagraph 60-125(2)(b)(v) that an entity, and certain information in respect of the entity, be entered on the register kept under section 60-135 for a period;


a decision under section 45-5 to reject an application for approval to employ, or use the services of, a *disqualified entity;

(i)    a decision under subsection 60-125(4) to extend the period of time within which an investigation is to be completed.

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