National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009



See section 3 of the National Credit Act.


Division 1 - Interpretation and application  

127   Linked credit providers and tied credit contracts  

For the purposes of this Code, a linked credit provider of a supplier means a credit provider:

(a) with whom the supplier has a contract, arrangement or understanding relating to the supply to the supplier of goods in which the supplier deals, relating to the business carried on by the supplier of supplying goods or services or relating to the provision to persons to whom goods or services are supplied by the supplier of credit in respect of payment for those goods or services; or

(b) to whom the supplier, by arrangement with the credit provider, regularly refers persons for the purpose of obtaining credit; or

(c) whose forms of contract or forms of application or offers for credit are, by arrangement with the credit provider, made available to persons by the supplier; or

(d) with whom the supplier has a contract, arrangement or understanding under which contracts or applications or offers for credit from the credit provider may be signed by persons at the premises of the supplier.


For the purposes of this Code, a tied continuing credit contract is a continuing credit contract under which a credit provider provides credit in respect of the payment by a debtor for goods or services supplied by a supplier in relation to whom the credit provider is a linked credit provider.

For the purposes of this Code, a tied loan contract is a credit contract (other than a continuing credit contract) entered into between a credit provider and a debtor where:

(a) the credit provider knows or ought reasonably to know that the debtor enters into the credit contract wholly or partly for the purposes of payment for the goods or services supplied by a supplier; and

(b) at the time the credit contract is entered into the credit provider is a linked credit provider of the supplier.

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