Excise Tariff Amendment (Taxation of Alternative Fuels) Act 2011 (67 of 2011)
Schedule 1
Part 1 Amendments to commence on 1 December 2011
2 Section 6G
Repeal the section, substitute:
6G Duty payable on blended goods
(1) Work out the duty payable under this Act on goods (the blended goods ) that are classified to subitem 10.7, 10.11, 10.12 or 10.30 of the Schedule as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. Add up the amount of duty that would be payable on each constituent of the blended goods, that is classified to item 10 of the Schedule, if the constituent had not been included in the blended goods.
Step 2. Work out the volume, in litres, of the blended goods that is not attributable to those constituents or to water added to manufacture the blended goods.
Step 3. Multiply the result of step 2 by $0.38143.
Step 4. Total the results of steps 1 and 3.
Step 5. Subtract from the total any duty paid on a constituent of the blended goods that is classified to item 10 or 15 of the Schedule.
(2) If a constituent of the blended goods was imported, assume for the purposes of subsection (1) that:
(a) the constituent was manufactured in Australia when it was imported; and
(b) if customs duty was paid on the constituent, there was a payment of excise duty equal to the lesser of the following amounts (or either of them if they are equal):
(i) the amount of excise duty that would have been payable on the constituent had it been manufactured in Australia when it was imported;
(ii) the amount of the customs duty paid.