Excise Tariff Amendment (Fuel Indexation) Act 2015 (101 of 2015)
Schedule 1 Incorporation of Tariff Proposals
Part 2 Indexation
Excise Tariff Act 1921
27 After section 6A
6AAA Rounding of fuel duty rates
(1) Despite subsection 6A(2), the amount to be worked out under subsection 6A(1) in respect of an indexation day for a CPI indexed rate covered by subsection (3) of this section is to be rounded to 3 decimal places (rounding up if the next decimal place is 5 or more).
(2) For the purposes of section 6A, determine the CPI indexed rate on the day before the indexation day as mentioned in subsection 6A(1) on the assumptions that:
(a) the operation of subsection (1) of this section was disregarded in respect of all previous indexation days (if any); and
(b) subsection 6A(2) permitted amounts worked out under subsection 6A(1) in respect of those indexation days to be rounded to 5 decimal places (rounding up if the next decimal place was 5 or more).
(3) This subsection covers the following CPI indexed rates:
(a) a rate of duty set out in item 10 of the Schedule, other than in:
(i) subitem 10.6 or 10.17; or
(ii) subitem 10.7, 10.11, 10.12 or 10.30;
(b) the rate set out in step 3 of the method statement in subsection 6G(1) (about duty payable on blended goods).
(4) In this section:
CPI indexed rate has the same meaning as in section 6A.
indexation day has the same meaning as in section 6A.