Customs Amendment (Product Specific Rule Modernisation) Act 2021 (4 of 2021)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 5   Malaysian originating goods

Customs Act 1901

43   Subsections 153ZLF(2) and (3)

Repeal the subsections (including the note), substitute:

Regional value content

(2) However, if a requirement that applies in relation to the goods is that the goods must have a regional value content of not less than a particular percentage worked out in a particular way, the regulations must provide for the value of the packaging material or container to be taken into account for the purposes of working out the regional value content of the goods (whether the packaging material or container is an originating material or non-originating material).

(3) If the packaging material or container is not customary for the goods, the regulations must provide for the packaging material or container to be taken into account as a non-originating material for the purposes of working out the regional value content of the goods.

Note: The value of the packaging material or container is to be worked out in accordance with the regulations: see subsection 153ZLB(3).