Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework and Other Measures Act 2022 (8 of 2022)

Schedule 2   Corporate collective investment vehicles: other amendments of the Corporations Act 2001

Corporations Act 2001

170   Subsection 1212(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1) A person may lodge an application with ASIC to have a scheme or sub-fund in an item in column 1 of the following table (a collective investment fund ) registered as a passport fund if the person is the entity mentioned in the corresponding item in column 2 of the table (the proposed operator of the fund).


Who may apply to be a passport fund



Column 1
Collective investment fund

Column 2
Proposed operator


a managed investment scheme that is a registered scheme

the responsible entity of the scheme


a managed investment scheme in respect of which an application for registration under section 601EB has been made

the proposed responsible entity of the scheme


a sub-fund of a retail CCIV

the corporate director of the CCIV