Corporations Regulations 2001


(subregulation 2M.4A.02(1) )


Item Information
7A201 A description of the transparency reporting auditor ' s:
(a) legal structure; and
(b) ownership
7A202 If the transparency reporting auditor belongs to a network, a description of:
(a) the network; and
(b) the legal arrangements of the network; and
(c) the structural arrangements of the network
7A203 A description of the transparency reporting auditor ' s governance structure
7A204 A description of the transparency reporting auditor ' s internal quality control system
7A205 A statement by the transparency reporting auditor ' s administrative body or management body on the effectiveness of the functioning of the transparency reporting auditor ' s internal quality control system in the relevant transparency reporting year
7A206 The name of each body that is authorised to review the transparency reporting auditor (for example, ASIC or a professional accounting body) and the date of the most recent review of the transparency reporting auditor conducted by the body
7A207 The names of bodies of the kinds mentioned in subsection 332A(1) of the Act for which the transparency reporting auditor conducted an audit under Division 3 of Part 2M.3 of the Act in the relevant transparency reporting year
7A208 A statement about the transparency reporting auditor ' s independence practices in the relevant transparency reporting year, including the date on which the transparency reporting auditor most recently conducted an internal review of its independence compliance
7A209 A statement about the policy that the transparency reporting auditor follows regarding the minimum amount and nature of continuing or other professional education that professional members of an audit team must undertake during the relevant transparency reporting year
7A210 Financial information for the transparency reporting auditor that relates to the relevant transparency reporting year, including:
(a) total revenue; and
(b) revenue relating to:
  (i) audits of financial statements conducted by the transparency
    reporting auditor; and
  (ii) other services provided by the transparency reporting auditor
7A211 Information concerning the basis for remuneration of:
(a) the audit firm ' s partners; or
(b) the authorised audit company ' s directors

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