Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme Regulations 2003

Part 3 Off-road credits  

REGULATION 10   Qualifying uses  

Subject to subregulation (2), for paragraph 53(6)(b) of the Act , the use of off-road diesel fuel other than as a fuel is specified.

If the off-road diesel fuel is used as an ingredient in the manufacture of a blended petroleum product , the use is specified only if the product is an exempt blended petroleum product that is not suitable for use as a fuel.

For paragraph 53(7)(b) of the Act , the kind of off-road diesel fuel mentioned in paragraph 9(1)(c) of these Regulations is specified.

In this regulation:

blended petroleum product
has the meaning given by section 77G of the Excise Act 1901 .

exempt blended petroleum product
has the meaning given by section 77G of the Excise Act 1901 .


Exempt blended petroleum products are prescribed in the Excise Regulations 1925 .

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