Division 995 - Definitions  

SECTION 995-1 (ARCHIVE)   Definitions  


BAS provisions

(d) the following:

(i) section 221AZK of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in cases in which section 221AZKC applies (that section allows deferral of tax instalment payments);

(ii) section 221AZKD (which requires notification of deferred tax instalment payments); and

(e) sales tax law as defined in section 5 of the Sales Tax Assessment Act 1992 .

capital allowance

(b) Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (development allowance); or

(c) Part XII of that Act (drought investment allowance); or

exempting company
has the same meaning as in Part IIIAA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 , as in force on 30 June 2002.

leasing company
has the meaning given by section 82AQ or 680 , as appropriate, of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 .

maximum TC group
has the meaning given by section 820-500 .

Pre-GST annual turnover
has the meaning given by Subdivision 960-R .

priority agreement
has the meaning given by subsection 61-315(2) .

qualified person
: a person is a qualified person in relation to a distribution if the person would have been a qualified person in relation to the distribution under Division 1A of Part IIIAA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 , as in force on 30 June 2002.

resident TC group
for an income year means 2 or more entities that, because of a choice under section 820-500 , are to be treated as a resident TC group for that income year.

safe harbour capital amount

(c) for a *resident TC group to which section 820-575 applies - has the meaning given by that section.

specified management fees
has the meaning given by subsection 320-40(4) .

top entity
of a *maximum TC group has the meaning given by section 820-500 .

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