A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Regulations 1999 (repealed)

Part 6-3 - Regulations relating to the Dictionary in the Act  

Division 195 - Dictionary  

195-1.02   First aid or life saving course  

For subparagraph (b)(vi) of the definition of first aid or life saving course in section 195-1 of the Act, the qualification specified is a qualification that:

(a) is provided by a registered training organisation under the National Training Framework; and

(b) certifies the attainment of all the competencies mentioned in column 2 of the table in Schedule 12 , with the unit codes mentioned in column 3 of Schedule 12 .

It is not necessary for a person to obtain certification of attainment of all the competencies mentioned in column 2 of the table in Schedule 12 from the same registered training organisation.

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