Employees guide for work expenses

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Part B - Apportioning work-related expenses

Keeping a diary

You can claim only the portion of an expense that relates to your work activities. When you incur an expense for a purpose that is not 100% work-related, you can only claim the work-related percentage.

For some deduction items, there is a specific requirement to keep records to apportion your expenses, such as the logbook method for car expenses (see Logbook method ). Otherwise, you need to keep suitable records to show how you have worked out your work-related use. This could take the form of electronic records, data from applications or by keeping a work diary.

Keeping a diary

To help show how you have apportioned your expenses, such as working from home expenses (for example, electricity and internet expenses) and mobile phone expenses, you can keep a detailed diary for a 4-week representative period. This shows the pattern of your usage and the proportion of work to private use, which you can then apply to the rest of the year. You can use a representative period only if your work use proportion is consistent throughout the year. If your usage fluctuates, you will need to keep records for the whole year.

If you are keeping a diary, you should:

keep it for a continuous 4-week period
fill it in at the time you undertake the activity, not retrospectively, and
include sufficient detail to support your calculations.

Where a home office or internet connection isn't just for one person's use, it's important to show other people's usage as well, such as for a home office that is used both for work purposes and as a study area for children.

Example – shared internet connection

Marcus is keeping a diary of his home internet use. On Monday, he works from home and records his internet use from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm for work purposes. In the afternoon, his children use the internet for schoolwork from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. That evening, his family use the internet to stream movies from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and Marcus and his partner browse the internet from 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
Marcus records all of these different sessions in his diary and clearly labels them as work-related or private usage. Once he has done this for 4 representative weeks, he can calculate his usage based on either the percentage of time the internet is used for employment activities versus private use or for the amount of data downloaded for each separate use.

Once you have established the proportion of your work and private use over a representative 4-week period, apply this proportion to your working year. Take out any time when you aren't working. For example, if you have a 4-week holiday, you can claim a deduction only for 48 weeks' average usage.

The diary, along with itemised bills from suppliers such as telecommunication companies, will help you identify the usage that relates to your employment activities and your private activities.

Example – mobile phone apportionment

Roz is a full-time real estate agent and uses her personal phone for work. She has a mobile phone plan that costs $60 per month which includes $600 worth of calls and 4 GB of data. She receives a bill which itemises all her phone calls and data usage.
Over the 4-week representative period, Roz made 428 calls of which she identifies 336 as being for work purposes. Roz decides to work out her work use percentage on the volume of calls rather than the time spent on the calls.
Calls for work purposes

Total work calls ÷ Total number of calls = Work use percentage for calls
336 ÷ 428 = 80%

Roz used 3 GB of her allocated data and from her bill she estimates that 2.1 GB was related to her work. She does this by comparing her usage on the bill with her work diary.
Data for work purposes

Total work data use ÷ Total data use = Work use percentage for data
2.1 ÷ 3 = 70%

Roz takes the average of these to determine her work use percentage.

(Work use percentage for calls + Work use percentage for data) ÷ 2 = Overall work use percentage
(80 + 70) ÷ 2 = 75%

Therefore, Roz can claim 75% of the total bill of $60 for each month she worked as a real estate agent for the same employer.

Total bill for each month × Overall work use percentage = Monthly amount to be claimed
$60 × 75% = $45

As Roz started on 1 April, she claims for the last 3 months of the income year.

Monthly claim amount × Number of months = Total claim amount
$45 × 3 = $135

Roz keeps a record of her bill that shows how she worked out the work-related use of her phone.

For more information, see:

Law Administration Practice Statement PS LA 2001/6 Verification approaches for electronic device usage expenses

Amendment history


August 2024
Part Comment
Throughout Updated 'See more' to 'For more information, see:'.


September 2023
Part Comment
Throughout Minor wording changes to improve clarity, including updating titles of linked documents.


June 2022
Part Comment
Throughout Minor wording changes to improve clarity.


August 2020
Part Comment
Throughout Minor wording changes to improve clarity.


Employees guide for work expenses
  Date: Version:
  1 July 2018 Updated document
  6 August 2020 Updated document
  23 February 2021 Updated document
  29 June 2022 Updated document
  6 September 2023 Updated document
You are here 21 August 2024 Current document

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